UOP Class of 2009!!!!! Where are all my classmates ?!!

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Sep 22, 2004
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Just wanted to say HI to all my future classmates!!!!!!!!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

Congrats to everyone who got into the UOP class of 2009.

Whats everyone doing these last few months before school? I am thinking about traveling

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Hi everyone !!! Im looking forward to meet the rest of the class in July. Im not sure if I will do any traveling...its a good idea though.
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jrsdsu said:
congrats, im thinking of europe myself!!! see you in july :eek:

Where in Europe? I'll be around Spain and Greece from April 1 - May 25. Hit me up if you're around.
Unemployed said:
Where in Europe? I'll be around Spain and Greece from April 1 - May 25. Hit me up if you're around.

Make sure you check out Barcelona and Madrid when you go to spain.....its great!!
Hey guys! I just got a call on Monday letting me know of my acceptance to UoP. Looks like my summer just got about two months shorter.
Hey Congrats!!!!!
congrats to everyone! i cant wait to start. has anyone heard anything about housing yet? Is everyone waiting for the lottery for the dorms or are you guys looking to rent?
I will be looking to rent...I would like to live closer then the available housing offered
Hey everyone, congratz on choosing UOP! Unless you definitely hate the dorm-like atmosphere of student housing, I would definitely recommend trying to get a lottery spot. It's way way cheaper than anything you'll find in the area, and 7 blocks really isn't all that far. I walk farther than that almost everyday to get lunch. A couple things you can do to try and increase your chances to get a spot would be to find a roommate now. That way, when you both apply and put each other down, it'll double your chances. Only one of you needs to be chosen for you both to get the place. UOP will also be sending you a packet in a few weeks with our (current 1st years) experiences with finding off-campus housing, and they'll also compile a list of people looking for roommates that you can contact. Good luck!
I just want to say hi to all of my future classmates and also I have a question. When do we let the school know if we want to be considered for "on-campus" option? Did you guys call them or was there a question about it in our FinAid packet??
Thanks for any info...and congrats to all of you!
:confused: i think there is a tech problem with my reply...
Murka said:
I just want to say hi to all of my future classmates and also I have a question. When do we let the school know if we want to be considered for "on-campus" option? Did you guys call them or was there a question about it in our FinAid packet??
Thanks for any info...and congrats to all of you!

I think the information about on-campus housing will be included in the packet we will recieve this month.
Hi guys, just also wanted to offer my congratulations, I know that last year there were a lot of us from the class of 2008 here and this site was very helpful. I saw that sherman from our class is also here. Please if you have any questions about anything please feel free to ask anything you wish, you can also email me, just send me a PM and I'll give you the address. Have fun till school starts. And we are working on the housing packets, they usually come out around april, along with big bro big sis questionaires etc.


Nick Morton
President Class of 2008
You're so helpful Nick, what a great president. For those of you in the class of 2009, enjoy yourselves for the next couple of months and relax. You'll enjoy Pacific.
juggamynugga said:
Hi guys, just also wanted to offer my congratulations, I know that last year there were a lot of us from the class of 2008 here and this site was very helpful. I saw that sherman from our class is also here. Please if you have any questions about anything please feel free to ask anything you wish, you can also email me, just send me a PM and I'll give you the address. Have fun till school starts. And we are working on the housing packets, they usually come out around april, along with big bro big sis questionaires etc.


Nick Morton
President Class of 2008

Your awesome nick, thanks for all the kaplan help. See you in july!!!!
what are the chances of us getting selected for the dorms or the presidio?
i can't wait to see if i get into the dorms!
titleistek said:
what are the chances of us getting selected for the dorms or the presidio?

At my interview, I was curious about this as well so I posed the question to Dr. Yarborough. He said that if you were single it came out to roughly a 65-70% chance of getting into the Pacific apartments. If you are married this drops down to about 30% due to the smaller number of single bedroom apartments. I'm sure these percentages vary every year based upon the number of people in the lottery. If it makes anyone feel better, I am not applying for student housing so that is one less competitor! :laugh:

I'm not sure about the Presidio, but it seems like there is a lot of space out there. It is about three miles from campus, although I heard the grounds are gorgeous.