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Hey what does everyone know about UoP. I have heard from some people that I shouldn 't apply there, its not a good idea... If the 3 year program was such a good idea then why doesn't every school do it etc.

But at the same time I hear just the opposite. Anyone know anything?

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well UoP, like all CA schools is a very good school.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe since it's a 3 year program, school goes on all year long
yes UoP is an extremelly good school which produces extremelly good dentists. UoP's 3 yr program does not run three yrs with no breaks. you have a summer break but it is a lot shorter than your normal summer break. its about a month in length and then you hit the books again. so basically you finish in 3 yrs because they take 3 months from each of your summers. very rigorous pogram but worth it for those who cant wait to get out and work:D
I guess I was looking more for everyones thoughts on UoP... I know how the school works in fact we had an admissions person visit us on campus. I just want to know what everyone thinks of the school!?!?