US vs Canadian vet schools?

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10+ Year Member
Feb 28, 2009
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For anyone who is currently in vet school, do you feel there is any difference between a US or a Canadian DVM? I am torn between a US school far away from home (Missouri) and a Canadian school (PEI) much closer to home.

Any thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated.

THANKS to all!!!

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Not currently in vet school, but everything I've heard about the US schools sounds very similar to the curriculum at OVC in Ontario (and the admission process is very similar).
The Canadian and U.S. schools are all accredited by the AVMA, so they have completely equivalent programs. I'm sure the curriculum etc will be very similar, and there is no more variation than there is between different U.S. vet schools.
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As for the degree itself, each school will have a slightly different curriculum, different electives, different teaching styles... Some schools will have more access to LA or exotic work than others and vice versa. That's something that needs to be looked at on an individual school basis, not on a national one.

All AVMA accredited schools will produce competent graduates and they all have to pass the standardized NAVLE exams. :)
I see 2 things worth looking at with your decision:

1. closeness of family/friends "support group" this could be a positive or negative, depending on your situation. For some people it is easier to be away from family/friends as it lessens the requirement to spend time outside of your studies. On the other side of the coin there are people who do much better having family/freinds for support close....the trick is knowing what type of person you are in these situations.

2. Money. If it is not a concern don't use it as a factor and refer to #1. If it is then you should evaluate what works out best for you.

As for quality of education, they are all great programs, and I do not believe the US and Canada have much differences between systems.:luck:
Thank you all for your thoughtful replies. I can see I will be doing a pro/con list to make my final decision! There's lots to like about each school. I've already determined that weighing my options will be my main objective over Spring break.

But, no matter what, I will be in veterinary school class of 2013! (I screamed for one hour solid when i received my first acceptance letter. Wonder if I'm the only one who did, lol.) :D:D:D:D:D

Thank you all again!!!