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Reno sounds like a nice place to live if youre into outdoor stuff. Ive flown in there for the purpose of skiing before.
It sure has gotten expensive in the past few years. Not that it was cheap before but damn, almost a mil for a nice house?

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Anyone have a clue what % a NAPA, USAP, etc take off the top?

I doubt anyone external to the company is going to know because you would have to know their collections and overhead to figure it out. And since they are usually significantly increasing the collections at a group, even if they take a decent amount of it for themselves it probably is not noticeable to anybody in the group. I mean they might well be making a good amount more money than they would on their own (depending on rates before and after).
15-20% is what gets quoted, but negotiating power does go up with a larger group.
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It sure has gotten expensive in the past few years. Not that it was cheap before but damn, almost a mil for a nice house?

Yeah. Im guessing other locations close to natural beauty and the west coast will also grow rapidly in the coming years. Boise Idaho & SLC are a couple others that probably are going to be booming as well.
Yeah. Im guessing other locations close to natural beauty and the west coast will also grow rapidly in the coming years. Boise Idaho & SLC are a couple others that probably are going to be booming as well.
Can confirm. Both SLC and Boise are insane right now.