Use AP Credits for Gen-eds?

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Mar 27, 2022
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Hey all. Currently a HS senior entering college this fall. Should I use the AP Credits I have right now (mostly humanities credits) to satisfy my gen ed requirements in college, or should I retake these courses regardless to boost my cGPA? Speaking of GPA, is cGPA even that important in comparison to sGPA, or are they looked at relatively equally?

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I would recommend you use the AP credits to satisfy the gen eds. That way you can have a lower course load and can focus more on getting good grades in pre-reqs. Just because you use AP credits doesn't mean you are obligated to fill your schedule with other things instead.
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I came in with 62 credit hours from AP & Dual Enrollment. That allowed me to focus on taking classes that I really wanted to take (Chemistry) instead of adding a bunch of fluff to it and overloading my schedule. The room also allowed me to add on a double major later in my undergrad (Physics).

Those credits will give you flexibility. That is invaluable!
Absolutely. Especially if they are gen-ed/humanities; to echo what others have said, it gives you credits to move on to more interesting things instead of being bogged down in pesky distribution requirements.

Thanks to AP credits I found out randomly during junior year that I'd already fulfilled enough credits for a dual degree and all I had to do was declare :).
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