Using Anki Effectively

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Sep 10, 2023
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I just finished reviewing my diagnostic and am about to start content review reading the Kaplan books. I downloaded the milesdown and jacksparrow anki decks, and was wondering what the best use of these would be. I will be able to use anki on my phone during any downtime at work, so was wondering if there is a specific deck I should be doing in my free time or if it should align with content. Also any other decks you found helpful. Thanks!

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What was your diagnostic score? I used the Anking deck and thought it was good. But, no deck is the ultimate end all be all. I added a lot of cards and thought that a lot of cards were useless. How much time do you have until your test and how much of that would you prefer to dedicate to only books?
What was your diagnostic score? I used the Anking deck and thought it was good. But, no deck is the ultimate end all be all. I added a lot of cards and thought that a lot of cards were useless. How much time do you have until your test and how much of that would you prefer to dedicate to only books?

My diagnostic score was a 497 before content review. I’m not really sure how to feel about it so if you have any insight into what this means what would be appreciated as well. I work full time 40 hours a week and am planning to test in late may. I would like to only spend ~1 month on the books then get right into practice.
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You need to be doing more practice questions, the balance between anki and practice questions is a good thing to learn before you start med school. You can do all the anki cards in the world but if you don't know how to apply the information on those cards than they're pointless
You need to be doing more practice questions, the balance between anki and practice questions is a good thing to learn before you start med school. You can do all the anki cards in the world but if you don't know how to apply the information on those cards than they're pointless

Do you know if there’s any way I can get practice questions on my phone?
Do you know if there’s any way I can get practice questions on my phone?

Hmm probably some prep services have them on their apps but you'd probably have to pay for them. You could find pdfs of books with practice sections and use those
My diagnostic score was a 497 before content review. I’m not really sure how to feel about it so if you have any insight into what this means what would be appreciated as well. I work full time 40 hours a week and am planning to test in late may. I would like to only spend ~1 month on the books then get right into practice.
You are in a good place! Depending on your pace, 1 month to get through all the books would not be possible. Unless you skip areas that you are already strong in. I would also recommend to not shy away from practice questions during this time, especially for CARS. Maybe like 10 Q’s per day from Uworld with 2-4 CARS passages from Jack Westin or others. Then during your practice phase have weekly practice exams, on the weekends for you - 1 day to take it, 1 day to review it. The rest of the days you can split up doing practice questions and focusing on your weak points identified in the practice exam/questions.
Do you know if there’s any way I can get practice questions on my phone?
I know that Uworld has an app for their medical school questions. I am pretty sure their mcat one is the same. I never tried it because I wanted to focus more on the review of the question versus blazing through the most questions, which is easily to do on the computer.