USMLE and/or COMLEX for HPSP DO students in USAF

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Aug 13, 2002
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I'm about to register to take step one of the boards and was wondering if anyone has any advice as far whether I need to take both the USMLE and the COMLEX or just the COMLEX. I would rather not have to take the USMLE, but if it makes me more competetive to do so than I will. Thanks, Jake.

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jjhollin said:
I'm about to register to take step one of the boards and was wondering if anyone has any advice as far whether I need to take both the USMLE and the COMLEX or just the COMLEX. I would rather not have to take the USMLE, but if it makes me more competetive to do so than I will. Thanks, Jake.

The military doesn't care what test you take. Taking only COMLEX or COMLEX+USMLE largely depends on your desired career field. For example, if you're a DO trying to match to allo rads, you don't have much of a chance anyway :laugh: but you really don't have much of a chance without the USMLE.