UWorld QBank problem

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10+ Year Member
Feb 12, 2009
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I was wondering if anybody here had a similar issue as me. So yesterday I was doing a question block at the local public library. The library's internet has ridiculous amount of securities (you'd think you were trying to log into the Pentagon's wireless) and it was hard to get on, but I finally did. When I got to the end of the block, to my astonishment it wouldn't let me finish as I had no connection, and I lost my progress in the block. That's not the issue though...I went home and was able to "resume" the block on my home desktop and just fill in the answers I remembered. The issue is now I am trying to re-access UWorld on my laptop and a "Java 6" loading message comes up and then it says "Unable to load application".

Has anybody ever had a similar issue? Any ideas?

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Not sure if we've had the same problem, but I also got an error in loading java 6 a couple times.

What worked for me was uninstalling uworld and then reinstalling it.

You actually have to uninstall it through your control panel->remove/add programs before reinstalling.

If you just click the uworld link to install it, it will detect you already have it and try to fire up your presumably out of whack version.

Hope that helps!
Not sure if we've had the same problem, but I also got an error in loading java 6 a couple times.

What worked for me was uninstalling uworld and then reinstalling it.

You actually have to uninstall it through your control panel->remove/add programs before reinstalling.

If you just click the uworld link to install it, it will detect you already have it and try to fire up your presumably out of whack version.

Hope that helps!

Thanks for your help! I actually found a troubleshoot on the UWorld website that did a walkthrough of exactly what you're saying, and it worked. Thank god, that woulda been a disaster if I had to stay home using my desktop. It would have driven me nuts.