Very low mcat but decent GPA which DO schools to apply to??

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May 30, 2014
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My current stats are 3.4 cGPA and a 19 MCAT. I have 2-3 years of volunteering, shadowing experience and clinical experience. Which DO schools should I apply to? I've been reading tons of forums of people below 20 that have gotten in to schools like NYcom, LeCOM, Marshall, West Virginia, Tcom etc. I feel like I'm way more than just my MCAT score and I'm very confident I can prove it to the schools if I get an interview.

I know my MCAT score is pretty score. the problem is I've already taken it twice and another retake would mean that I would miss this cycle (since I would probably take it in September or October). I have a couple reasons for why I want to apply this cycle

1. the MCAT is changing in 2015 and i don't want to relearn a new MCAT
2. missing this cycle essentially means i have to wait 2 years (this gap year & then next)
3. If I don't get in this cycle and then end up retaking the MCAT and get a higher score, I'll apply next cycle but I'll never know If I had a chance this cycle & one year seems like a long time to waste.
4. it's still relatively early in this cycle which may give me a better chance

Let me know what you guys think? Obvs, if I do apply I'll do it to wisely and to selective DO schools

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Without extremely extenuating circumstances, you will not get accepted (let alone an interview) with an MCAT below 20 to any DO program.
I wouldn't recommend applying this cycle. most schools screen your sections with score less than 7 or 6. However, if you do apply, don't bother with TCOM, unless you are TX resident. If you really really want to apply, research into newer schools like LUCOM, LMUCOM or ACOM.
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I wouldn't recommend applying this cycle. most schools screen your sections with score less than 7 or 6. However, if you do apply, don't bother with TCOM, unless you are TX resident. If you really really want to apply, research into newer schools like LUCOM, LMUCOM or ACOM.

Thanks for the recommendations. Any other schools you have in mind? like KYCOM, WVSOM, PCOM?
Thanks for the recommendations. Any other schools you have in mind? like KYCOM, WVSOM, PCOM?

I myself do not have stellar MCAT either so I was just like you researching into schools with low average mcat scores. what i have from this process is that those schools that tend to have lower mcat average are most inclined to take students who are going to serve the underprivileged areas such as the south and Appalachia regions. Fortunately, I am planning to do rural medicine myself from the start, I don't mind attending these schools and lives in small towns during my med school years.

So i guess if you can't see yourself doing similar to what i want to do, I would think twice about applying those schools! But to give you a list, KYCOM, WVSOM, Marian, PCOM GA campus, VCOM both campus. I would also recommend PNWU if you are from the northwest area. They are very bias to WA/OR residents with strong rural desire.

Good luck!
I myself do not have stellar MCAT either so I was just like you researching into schools with low average mcat scores. what i have from this process is that those schools that tend to have lower mcat average are most inclined to take students who are going to serve the underprivileged areas such as the south and Appalachia regions. Fortunately, I am planning to do rural medicine myself from the start, I don't mind attending these schools and lives in small towns during my med school years.

So i guess if you can't see yourself doing similar to what i want to do, I would think twice about applying those schools! But to give you a list, KYCOM, WVSOM, Marian, PCOM GA campus, VCOM both campus. I would also recommend PNWU if you are from the northwest area. They are very bias to WA/OR residents with strong rural desire.

Good luck!

Oh okay yeah. I think I can definitely prove to those schools that I am much more than what my MCAT score indicates. People obviously say I should wait until next cycle and apply with a stronger MCAT but I'm just thinking that if I don't get in and I'm a reapplicant with a better MCAT, that won't hurt my chances right? so why not take a shot at this cycle instead of wasting essentially what will be 2 years (+ new MCAT in 2015). What do you think?
What did you do to prepare for the MCAT? What did you get the first time you took the test? What is your state of residency? Are you a minority (not including Asian)?
Well the problem in your application is that computer system will automatically screen you out, leaving you without a chance to prove yourself in front of ADCOM. Thats the problem. I feel that same way as you. I just need a chance in front of those people to sell myself. But you gotta make sure you don't get tossed out first. and thats why GPA and MCAT come to play.

Also med schools use MCAT as an indicator to see if you are able to handle the academic loads of med school. Med schools don't want to have you flunk out because 1, they lose tuition money, 2 looks bad for their reputations.

If get a better mcat score as a reap pliant, it would help you greatly. I have a friend who scored 23 on the first try and scored a whooping 32 on the second try, during the interview, all they talked about was how she was able to make such an improvement, promptly, she was accepted, even with her below average gpa.

If you apply this cycle, be ready to face some harsh reality of this process, as well as be ready to lose some money! If you really want to apply this cycle, submit your application right now, and sign up for a september mcat retake. Hope that helped!
Well the problem in your application is that computer system will automatically screen you out, leaving you without a chance to prove yourself in front of ADCOM. Thats the problem. I feel that same way as you. I just need a chance in front of those people to sell myself. But you gotta make sure you don't get tossed out first. and thats why GPA and MCAT come to play.

Also med schools use MCAT as an indicator to see if you are able to handle the academic loads of med school. Med schools don't want to have you flunk out because 1, they lose tuition money, 2 looks bad for their reputations.

If get a better mcat score as a reap pliant, it would help you greatly. I have a friend who scored 23 on the first try and scored a whooping 32 on the second try, during the interview, all they talked about was how she was able to make such an improvement, promptly, she was accepted, even with her below average gpa.

If you apply this cycle, be ready to face some harsh reality of this process, as well as be ready to lose some money! If you really want to apply this cycle, submit your application right now, and sign up for a september mcat retake. Hope that helped!

Did you friend get a 23 the first time and applied? and then waited for the next cycle, got a 32 and reapplied? or did they just not apply, wait a year and bring up their MCAT score?

I get that this cycle will probably be hard for me but the fact that the wait to reapply and finally start med school is SOOOO long is what is making me want to apply this cycle
Did you friend get a 23 the first time and applied? and then waited for the next cycle, got a 32 and reapplied? or did they just not apply, wait a year and bring up their MCAT score?

I get that this cycle will probably be hard for me but the fact that the wait to reapply and finally start med school is SOOOO long is what is making me want to apply this cycle

You have an almost zero chance of getting in. To be honest you have no choice but to retake the MCAT.

Nycom has a 28 average. Your 9 below that so its safe to assume your not getting in. I remember I looked at PCOMs MCAT range and no one got in with a 19. If you must apply now consider podiatry.
Which schools screen out score sections of 6 or less?
my friend applied with 23 but she had her retake score coming out in july, which she got 32 on. she updated the schools with the new score right away.
Auto-reject at my program, and I concur with chemguy. You appear to have some serious test taking deficits. Get them fixed before trying again.

Or start thinking about Plan B.

And quit being afraid of the new MCAT. I swear, people are acting like it's going to be written in Korean!

Without extremely extenuating circumstances, you will not get accepted (let alone an interview) with an MCAT below 20 to any DO program.
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Which schools screen out score sections of 6 or less?

The better question is which schools don't screen 6s. I think every school screens 5s, as a 5 is less than half the questions right.

A 19 is a bit low even for podiatry school. 4 out of 5 people who took the MCAT outscored you; schools have no reason to accept you. You're looking at some serious test prep work.
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