Hey. I'm just posting here, because - after reading these forums, it seems like there are a number of experienced, intelligent posters here - and I'm just looking for some opions - both on military medicine, and on practicing medicine in general. But first, let me explain where I am in life, and one avenue I've been considerng.
Right now, I'm a college physics major. I've had quite a bit of math, and physics - and I'm starting to become dissatisfied with the field, both because of the culture - and because, after finally having the maths to understand Quantum, its...well, its much less appealing actually /doing/ it - then it is reading about it. (Trust me, high-level physics is very, very boring.)
Anyways, one of the reasons I got into physics in the first place, was that I had ideas of being a theoretician, and doing something to make the world a better place then when I entered it. Now, I still have ideas along those lines, and so I've been considering medicine - possibly though HPSP or something similiar, though my application to medschool would be a /long/ way off. Here's some more details:
So, anyways - I'm currently a straight-out physics major, and I'm thinking instead of switching to a dual-degree in Literature and Biology, with minors in math and physics - then spending a year post-graduating to get my MS: Biology, whereupon I'd apply to medical school. I don't mind all the time I'll spend in education - even after graduate school, I could easily spend 10 years in education of one form or another before I can actually practice medicine (4 years med school, 4 years residency for surgery I believe, another year if I want to specialize) - fortunatly, I've always enjoyed learning: I don't think I'd be interested in a career if I suddenly had to stop learning anything new at all. Fortunatly, from what I understand - in medicine, I'd be learning new things about the field all my life.
Now, the reasons I've been considering entering into the military, post-med school (I know its a long way off, but I have a tendency to think long-term, and think ahead) - are fairly convulted. Aside from the usual 'pay for med school' issues that have been discussed on this forum - well, I'm not overly concerned with money, in terms of happiness. I come from a family that (combined income) - makes less then 30k a year, so I'm well aware that money doesn't equal happiness - and I think I could be just as satisfied as a beggar as I would be some top-level executive, as long as I had the right mental attitudes - thats all happiness is. Still, I realize that, eventually - there will come a point where I /will/ want to start securing my financial future, and I'll probably leave the military after my service obligation is up, however long it ends up being. I also don't think I'd mind traveling - I rather think I'd enjoy visiting some of the remote locations I could be sent to.
Also, I think - eventually - I'll probably try and get into politics, and some time in the military tends to be useful for that, too. Now, I'll admit - most people who are considering getting into politics at some point during there life will opt for lawschool, the traditional method (who would associate politics with med school?) - but that would 1. Probably be a second career, much later in life - and I don't think I'd enjoy being a lawyer anyways, for reasons similiar to my problems with physics.
Anyways, this is my second attempt to post this message (the forums deleted my first attempt - I had accidently not logged in, and poof) - so it may be slightly...less clear then I would prefer - but I think my basic line of thought and situation are coming clear. In short:
1. I'd like to do some good - something I can see. I'll probably specialize in surgery, when I get the opportunity.
2. I'm not overly concerned with money, though I am concened with a sense of...personal satisfaction.
Anyways, do any of my ideas sound plausible? Would you say the military-option post-medschool would be a good or poor choice for me? Am I even right to be considering medicine? I've been thinking about this possibility for a month or so, and compared to the various other careers out there - medicine seems like a fairly good choice, in terms of what I want out of life - so, essentially - I'm just seeking opinions, and I'd appreciate any you guys could offer. If some of these plans/ideas are a mistake - it would be better to know about them now, then oh so many years from now.