Walgreens bridge of service?

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Apr 6, 2018
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I worked for Walgreens for about 2 years before pharmacy school. I was recently hired on. I'd like to do a "bridge of service" so I can get credit for my previous work with them. Anyone know the current policy on this?

I was able to find this thread on the topic:
Walgreens questions

The problem is that it hasn't been updated in 8 years and I'd imagine the policy may have changed over that time period.

Any help is really appreciated.

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What credit?

All credit was lost the minute you stopped working for them.

The multiplier will need to be restarted (it doesn't carry over).
"If the break in service is less than 12 months, the bridge in service request can be submitted 180 days after rehire. There is no prior service requirement, however request will not be processed until 12-week average hours is established.

If the break in service exceeds 12 months, the employee must have at least 3 years of continuous service prior to the break and 1 year of continuous service after the break before applying for a bridge.

A bridge in service does not reinstate, banked vacation, banked sick days, or retiree medical and Prescription Drug eligibility.

Bridge in service requests must be submitted no later than 2 years of service following the rehire date. Requests submitted after 2 years following rehire will not be considered."

Source: myHR
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