Walgreens questions

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10+ Year Member
Nov 19, 2010
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I worked for Walgreens from 2002-2009, then left to a hospital. Now I am thinking about going back, does any Walgreens employee here know if Walgreens will continue my year of service status of 7 year, or I will start with year 1 again, since I have left the company for almost 2 years. I am asking simply because I need to make a decision to go back or go to the other chains. If I can continue my rate of accrual vacation time at Walgreens, then it makes the decision much easier. Thanks in advance fro your inputs.

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Interruption in Service - Less Than One Year

If you leave Walgreens for a period of one to 30 calendar days, your time away is not considered to be a break in service and you will retain your previous date of hire if your Manager or Department Director approves your interruption in service. If you leave Walgreens for a period of 31 to 365 calendar days, your District Manager or Department Director and the Director of Employee Services must approve your interruption in service before you can retain your previous date of hire. In this case, the Bridge in Service Form must be submitted after at least 90 days of service following rehire to the Employee Services Department.

Interruption in Service - One Year or More

If you leave Walgreens for a period longer than 12 calendar months, you must have at least two years of service to be eligible for a bridge in service, and your bridge in service must be approved by: The Walgreens Employee Services Department, your District Manager or Department Director, and the Vice President of your division. In this case, the Bridge in Service Form must be submitted to the Employee Services Department. You may apply for a bridge in service within a specified period of time after your rehire date as follows: If you have at least five years of service with Walgreens prior to your interruption in service, you may apply for a bridge in service after one year of continuous service following your rehire. If you have at least two years but less than five years of service with Walgreens prior to your interruption in service, you may apply for a bridge in service after two years of continuous service following your rehire.

You will not receive credit for your time away from Walgreens if your interruption in service is more than 12 calendar months and you had less than two years of service. If your bridge in service is approved, your adjusted hire date will be calculated based on your total active service at Walgreens. You may only be granted one bridge in service for a period of longer than 12 calendar months.


You will not be entitled to receive any additional vacation for the calendar year in which your bridge in service is granted. Your vacation allotment in following years will be based on your adjusted hire date.

Other Benefits

Your eligibility for other benefits (such as sick days, holidays, insurance, and profit sharing) will be updated immediately as long as you meet the eligibility requirements.