Got my first denial from Purdue and I’m freaking out...
cGPA: 3.7
Last 45 GPA: 3.78
science/math(for iowa): 3.3
roughly 1,000 hours vet experience working for mixed animal/food animal vet and working at an animal disease research and diagnostic laboratory in clinical pathology
over 1,000 animal experience through my family farm/ranch and 4-h (showed cattle)
college activities:
Adopt-a-grandparent club
Resident hall association communications coordinator
Peer mentor
President of FCCLA, FFA, was in multiple sports, drama clubs, yearbook, class president multiple years, and held office in national honor society
*****this is a very brief and quick run down of my past experiences
cGPA: 3.7
Last 45 GPA: 3.78
science/math(for iowa): 3.3
roughly 1,000 hours vet experience working for mixed animal/food animal vet and working at an animal disease research and diagnostic laboratory in clinical pathology
over 1,000 animal experience through my family farm/ranch and 4-h (showed cattle)
college activities:
Adopt-a-grandparent club
Resident hall association communications coordinator
Peer mentor
President of FCCLA, FFA, was in multiple sports, drama clubs, yearbook, class president multiple years, and held office in national honor society
*****this is a very brief and quick run down of my past experiences