veterinary school

  1. F

    Clinical Rotations at KSU vs Virginia-Maryland vs UGA vs Tennessee

    Hi there, I'm a 3rd year student at St. George's University and we spend our fourth year at a partner school in the US, so I have to decide on which one I would like to apply for very soon! I know that clinical rotations are daunting and all have very long hours with little/no work-life balance...
  2. Ashlynn Crichley

    University of Bristol c/o 2028/29 hopefuls

    Hello, I’m a first time international applicant from the USA. I’m hoping to be going to Bristol’s veterinary school in the Fall of 2024. I’m posting this October 27, 2023 the day that the SAQ is due. I’m hoping this thread will help people find other potential classmates, offer holders, etc...
  3. lianguine

    Should I only apply to my IS school?

    I’m from MA, so the only school near me is Tufts. Originally, I was thinking 3-4 schools maybe 5, but I keep going back and forth. Half of me wants to drop my eggs in one basket (did I say that right?) so I can go to my top school. The other half of me just wants to get the application process...
  4. C

    Mississippi State CVM c/o 2027

    Hey y’all! First time OOS applicant to MSU. Didn’t see a thread started yet so I thought I would make one! Good luck everyone!
  5. C

    RVC c/o 2026 (4yr) and 2027 (5yr)

    Wanted to make a group for accepted 4yr and 5 yr applicants so we can begin planning our either big or small move to London (depending on if you are international or not). I am from the U.S and want to hear how others are also making this leap across the pond in a few months. Is anyone planning...
  6. missy8409

    School Ranking

    Hello! I am currently debating between attending Oregon State University and Colorado State University for vet school. I love both schools, but CSU is much more expensive for out of state students than OSU (almost a 10-12,000$ difference a year). I also would love to live in Oregon and have...
  7. M

    WAMC Iowa State and University of Minnesota

    Got my first denial from Purdue and I’m freaking out... stats cGPA: 3.7 Last 45 GPA: 3.78 science/math(for iowa): 3.3 GRE:30 roughly 1,000 hours vet experience working for mixed animal/food animal vet and working at an animal disease research and diagnostic laboratory in clinical pathology...
  8. doctor-who

    RVC c/o 2024

    Hey guys! Starting it off for the new cycle! I would love to apply to RVC this round, but noticed that on their website they say 4 semester units = 7 quarter units, which is different from the usual (4 sem = 6 qtr). I can really try to stretch some of the courses I've taken (I have completed 4...
  9. Berlin16

    Future Vet Med Student Looking for Advice

    I recently was accepted to both Midwestern University and Mississippi State University. I am so grateful for the opportunity, however it has been very stressful trying to decide where to go. After I interviewed at Midwestern University, everything about it felt right. The location, the people...
  10. Danielle Frasier

    Which Vet Schools Weight Grades Heavily?

    I applied to my IS vet school and was denied. They do not take GPA into account aside from having above a 3.0 GPA. I have veterinary and animal experience, but I guess not enough. I have a high GPA, and in the next cycle would like to apply to vet schools that are more likely to accept me. What...
  11. M

    High school pre vet help

    I'm pretty new to this website but I was hoping maybe some of you guys could give me some advice! I am a high school sophomore and I am very interested in going to vet school. I am lucky enough to have a program at my school that allows me to start college classes in the fall so that I can...
  12. Inocencia

    Application Improvement

    Hi everyone! I did not get in to any U.S. vet schools this year. I already graduated with my bachelors (3.0 GPA), with 2000 hours of experience in 2 fields (shelter and wildlife), and a 304 best GRE score. I want to improve my application for next year. I am looking to sign up for GRE online...
  13. V

    How to study in veterinary school

    Hello, I am a first year veterinary student who just finished having a meltdown about, surprise! Vet school. I freaked out over the fact that it’s taking me so long to finish handwriting my lectures, while also studying for my upcoming exams. I’ve been hand writing lectures my whole academic...
  14. R

    Do grades matter during application year?

    I have already sent in my applications for veterinary school, but I am still taking pre-requisites (Biochemistry, Genetics now and Physiology and Microbiology in the spring). I know I shouldn't fail them or anything, but do I need to get straight A's in these classes or do they matter less now...
  15. D

    I need help/advice..

    Okay so I'm currently in community college because I dropped out of high school and got my GED. I have 12 credits completed so far since this next semester begins my 2nd year. I'm hoping to transfer after this next year and go to either a 4-year college or University for Pre-Vet because I want...
  16. arm18

    High School Senior in Need of Advice From Veterinarians or Pre-Vets

    Hi! I'm a rising senior (and new to this site so I apologize if I'm being annoying) and I would really love advice. I want to be a veterinarian, so I was planning on majoring in Animal Science (does it matter if I major in Zoology or Animal Science?) but my mom wants me to major in Biology to...
  17. rjmacready

    Grad School Before Vet School: What Are You Majoring In?

    Hi all, I still have a year and a half left of undergrad (getting a B.S. in Zoology) and my GPA has been hovering right around 3.00 for the past year (mainly because I suck at math and physics), so I am strongly considering getting a masters or PhD in something to bump my GPA up before...
  18. pawbri

    University of Saskatchewan?

    Hi all, Im a Minnesota girl looking for vet schools to apply to next year. I'm looking into the University of Saskatchewan. It is out of the states, yes, but it is SO cheap! I realize Canadian universities are all cheap, but if the largest burden of vet school is its economic constraints, why...
  19. Emmy Senpai

    University of Tennessee: Phase One

    Hi, long time lurker here, so excuse me if I'm not posting correctly. I am a pre-veterinary student applying this cycle (2017 admission) to University of Tennessee's vet school OOS. On their website, they demonstrate how they calculate your phase one academic review to determine whether you get...
  20. supershorty

    Spinoff: I've been on SDN for 3 years, starting vet school this fall. AMA!

    Spinoff thread from @I'm No Superman's med school AMA; I've been on these forums for a while and am starting a dual DVM/PhD program in August. I know I had a lot of questions about preparing for applying to vet school when I was just starting undergrad, and this site is such a good resource...
  21. V

    Advice from Older Students to First Years

    Hello all, As I finish my second year of Veterinary school and can't help but think back to this time last year when life was awful and I thought I would fail out of Vet School and now am getting grades that I never thought I would get. What's different about this year? I think a lot of it has...
  22. T

    Is it hard to find a job out of vet medical school?

    I work with a 94 year old physician who was devastated today when I told him I was pursuing veterinary medicine instead of human medicine. He then went off to tell me that it was extremely difficult to find a job in small animal practice and that the vast majority end up in a laboratory setting...
  23. jtom

    What are my chances?

    Hey guys I was wondering if you could give me any advice on how to improve my application for this cycle. I am a non traditional student and had to take a few pre-reqs to be considered last year. I applied last year and got interviewed and waitlisted at tennessee and also waitlisted at UF...
  24. D

    Best Chances for Out of State Acceptances

    Hi everyone! I'm sure someone has asked this before but I'm having a hard time finding any answers - I'm trying to find information about average out of state acceptance rates / number of out of state students per graduating class for US veterinary colleges but so far, I've been unsuccessful...
  25. A

    So, what to do in your gap year?

    I did not get in this cycle, and am waiting until 2017 to reapply, to give myself an entire year to beef up my resume. What are some things to look into? Sort of even questioning my goals at the moment - really just questioning life in general so I don't know what route to take for the next...
  26. justanotherhopeful

    Denied but Reapplying

    So, I just found out that I was denied admission to OSU. I was also denied admission to CSU; which was partly expected considering I'm OOS. But, the rejection from OSU, my IS, really, really, really, bummed me out to say the least. I didn't even get so far as to have an interview... I wanted to...
  27. J

    Do I have any hope to get into vet school?

    I'm a sophomore at a university and currently have two C's. One of them I am trying to see if I can bump it to a B because I got a 79.6. Stupid, right? However, for my current quarter, fall quarter, I'm estimated to have 3 C's. One of them I'm planning to not take the final because I want to...
  28. mollyandcody

    Official Acceptances c/o 2020

    I saw an Official Rejection thread for the c/o I thought I'd make an official acceptance thred! Just include your username, mode of acceptance (e.g. email, snail mail, portal), and the date you received your acceptance. Let's hope we all get in to our top schools :) UNITED STATES...
  29. Tiegerz

    St. George's University

    Hey everyone, I know St. George's is currently looking for more applicants for their January 2016 cycle, so if you are think about applying then do it! :) Also for those preparing to already come here in January of 2016 here is an awesome website that a classmate of mines wife has written...
  30. V

    Want to be a vet, but don't want to work with pets

    So, here's my dilemma. I love the idea of being a vet. I want to learn all the medical aspects and work with and for animals. However, the last thing I want to do is work with pets. I want to go into vet school to become a zoo/wildlife veterinarian, I've been volunteering at a zoological...