WAMC / school list <3

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New Member
Jul 31, 2024
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hello! im having a little trouble with my school list and I also wanna know what my chances are like, I feel like its way too long and kind of scattered :/

cGPA : 3.7 , sGPA : 3.53 ( I kind of explained this in my additional info in my primary, diagnosed with ADHD two years into college but still not great

MCAT : 515 (128/127/130/130)

State : NJ but went to Temple (Philly, PA) for undergrad

female, born in Egypt but have citizenship

350 hours of clinical paid work, 120 hours shadowing, around 350 research + 1 publication in scientific journal, volunteering 600 hours (all in one place at a local muslim community center), hobbies cooking & art, ECS at school two clubs, not adding leadership experience due to political tension , 4 letters of rec : 1 committee, 2 science professors, and 1 from volunteering at the mosque (+ shes an MD)

I applied to a few DO schools before I got my MCAT back but here is my MD list which I feel like might be too much and that I should add some lower stat schools

Albany, Cooper , Drexel , Temple , Eastern Virginia , Emory , Netter , Geisel, Geisinger, George Washington, Georgetown, Hackensack, Meharry, NY Medical College, Nova, Penn State, Univ of Vermont, Rutgers NJMS, Robert Wood, Jefferson, SUNY Downstate, Brown, Tufts, UCF ( I have ties to Florida), University of Colorado, UConn, UMD, UMiami, UMich, UVirginia, USF, Virginia Commonwealth, Wake Forest, West Virginia

thank you!!

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Meharry mainly admits applicants from the African American community. UConn, SUNY Downstate and West Virginia admit few non residents with no connection to the state. You could add these schools to your application:
Wake Forest
Rosalind Franklin
Medical College Wisconsin
Western Michigan
Oakland Beaumont
Wayne State
I would aim for MD with your application. Make sure you have all NJ schools, add a couple NY programs and don't be afraid to aim a little higher.