WAMC/School list, Missing any target schools?

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Non-clinical volunteering
  1. mentor of youth group serving the small muslim community in my city, recently elected to exec board, 300 hours 80 projected
  2. English tutor to 3 refugee families, help them acclimate to life in the US, 100 hours 80 projected
  3. Created a youth basketball camp in my city that meets on saturdays in the fall. 50 hours, 24 projected
I'm not sure these activities point to non-clinical service orientation. Being a tutor goes under teaching, which is a separate category. Your youth group role is either mentorship (as well) or leadership. Basketball camp doesn't show that you can be comfortable around uncomfortable people (as described). As a result your description lacks non-clinical service orientation activities, and your application may be vulnerable to getting screened out at most schools.