WAMC to match with low comlex only scores?

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New Member
Sep 30, 2022
Reaction score
Didn’t take step as I deal with a lot of testing anxiety.

Level 1: 480
Level 2: 444

Applying IM and have applied to 129 programs so far. I made sure to only apply to the programs that has residents who had my stats (even if they were in the bottom 25%)

1 pub
3 research
12 volunteer

No board failures no repeating years. Did get placed on academic probation but was removed once I improved my grades.

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As long as you included community programs you still should match.
I included a crap ton of community programs. Basically used residency explorer and if my comlex 1 was 50% or above for if comlex 2 was bottom 25% above I applied.

I appreciate the response!! Gives me some sense of calmness. How many interviews would you say I’ll receive?
I included a crap ton of community programs. Basically used residency explorer and if my comlex 1 was 50% or above for if comlex 2 was bottom 25% above I applied.

I appreciate the response!! Gives me some sense of calmness. How many interviews would you say I’ll receive?
THAT is a level of gambling I won't engage in. I suspect enough. Of course, always plan for the worst just in case :)