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Mar 27, 2024
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Hello all! I applied this previous cycle and wanted to post on here retroactively regarding my chances of getting off waitlist, or advice on if the schools I picked were good choices.

I'm a white, female, VA resident. VCU was my undergraduate with a major in chemistry and a minor in Spanish (fair proficiency).
cGPA: 3.79 sGPA: 3.67
MCAT (only attempt) 513 (128, 128, 128, 129)

One undergraduate institutional action (non-academic, underage alcohol consumption early Freshman year)

Clinical experience (volunteer and non-volunteer)
  • Personal care attendant 1500+ hours
  • Emergency room scribe 400 hours
  • Medical support staff at a physical therapy office 600 hours
  • Physical chemistry undergraduate research poster- presented at symposium
  • Hematology-oncology 50 hours
  • Pulmonology 40 hours
Non-clinical volunteering
  • Ramthon Dance Marathon for Children's Hospital of Richmond 38 hours
  • Volunteer at Camp Rainbow for Bereavement 60 hours

Other extra-curriculurs
  • Teaching English in Spain 430 hours
  • Tutor for chem/bio 300 hours
Schools waitlisted at: VCU, Wake Forest, EVMS (top tier)

Other schools applied to: Miami, FAU, Penn State, NYMC (no response yet). UVA, Emory, Georgetown, GWU, Tulane, TJU, Vermont, Oakland Univ William Beaumont, WVU, WMed, Arkansas, Tufts, Colorado (rejected)

Thank you all so much!

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Arkansas and WVU are both schools that show pretty significant bias for IS applicants, so those may not have been great choices without ties.

How did your interviews go?
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Arkansas and WVU are both schools that show pretty significant bias for IS applicants, so those may not have been great choices without ties.

How did your interviews go?
Arkansas was silly looking back on it, but I do have some ties to West Virginia (family house there, visit frequently, nothing super close though).

I didn't feel like any of them went horrible, but I never left one with the "I knocked that out of the park" feeling so who knows
Ok, as identified by Smile you could probably stand to get more non-clinical volunteering done but I'd still wait it out; the rule of thumb is interviews three a doctor you'll be, so you have a fair shot at some WL movement.
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You got several interviews, which is great. Maybe just expand your school list if you have to reapply.
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Yes, keep preparing for a reapp to push send by June. List all your Virginia schools again and (I agree) maybe expand your list a little. Let us know if anything changes by mid-April.
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