want to postpone DAT, no dates anywhere past Nov 3 anywhere! HELP

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5+ Year Member
Jun 14, 2017
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I am scheduled to take DAT november 2nd 2017 however i am nowhere near ready, I have searched so many pro metric centers even in other states and can't seem to find any dates past nov 4... i thought DAT was offered year round? I already send in my application what should i do ?

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When did you first become eligible to take the DAT? The DAT is offered year round, but when you sign up to take the DAT, you are given a 6 month eligibility window within which you can select dates to register from. If November 3 marks the 6 month cutoff date, you won't be able to register for another date past that. A potential solution is to simply not show up to take the DAT and sign up for a new 6-month registration window, but that would necessitate paying the fee to take the DAT again.
When did you first become eligible to take the DAT? The DAT is offered year round, but when you sign up to take the DAT, you are given a 6 month eligibility window within which you can select dates to register from. If November 3 marks the 6 month cutoff date, you won't be able to register for another date past that. A potential solution is to simply not show up to take the DAT and sign up for a new 6-month registration window, but that would necessitate paying the fee to take the DAT again.
Thank you, I just realized that going through my emails