Waxing first year?

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2+ Year Member
Oct 8, 2020
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Hey everyone

Just started my D1 year. Things have been going pretty good so far academically, I have made all B+s and As. Except one thing... my waxing lab and class is not going so hot. I failed my first waxing practical, which was tough. We get a chance to make up points but I am concerned about how to improve. I also didn't feel great about the written exam in that class.

Does anyone have tips on waxing? I really need to get better for my next practical so I won't fail the course. There is a chance I will want to apply for residencies in the future so I don't want to count myself out D1 because of a failed class, and also I know I need to make sure my hand skills are much better for clinic and lab-related classes coming up

I have a hard time polishing and correcting minor details in a timely manner, but I have been trying to practice as much as I can. This is my first experience with dental-specific hand skills

Thank you

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I sucked at first. What helped me is getting an understanding of what "marginal ridge" is, how the occlusal/incisal edges flow together, understand proximal contact areas and where they should go on the teeth....

Once I started to understand that, it all clicked.
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