Weighing my options, your opinion?

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10+ Year Member
Jul 30, 2009
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Alrighty, I am about to start college again, and was wondering what you folks thought about this.

Is it better to keep a 15-16 hour load and keep my GPA at the level its at(4.0)

Or do 18hrs and run the risk of getting a B+.

I mean would MD schools prefer to see a heavy load with a B here and there or moderate(15-16) with a consistent high performance?

I do not in any way want to sound snobby but I would like your opinion on this matter. Thank you.

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I don't think schools care about the "load" of classes at any one time. They want to see A's in all your classes.
It's a hard answer to hear, but the best answer is maintaining full-time student status AND maintain a 3.8+ GPA.

Are you going to be working while in school? What else will you be doing if you only go part time? Med school's a long enough road as it is, don't prolong undergrad without a good reason.
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Alrighty, I am about to start college again, and was wondering what you folks thought about this.

Is it better to keep a 15-16 hour load and keep my GPA at the level its at(4.0)

Or do 18hrs and run the risk of getting a B+.

I mean would MD schools prefer to see a heavy load with a B here and there or moderate(15-16) with a consistent high performance?

I do not in any way want to sound snobby but I would like your opinion on this matter. Thank you.

Are you serious? Why the hell would they want to see a B? Use your common sense...
I have multiple degrees and have returned to school. Basically, been doing this awhile, lol.

If I were working on my BA again, I would have loaded up (20-21hrs) and taken a 3.8 all day while getting my degree in 3 years with summer school.

4.0 is the same as a 3.8 in most circles. In fact, I have been told by some admins that they actually prefer those with a 3.8-3.9 because they can handle not gettting the "A".

In the long run, it does not matter having the 4.0. Personally, I make A's in all my easier classes and the hardest one I take a B+. It makes life so much better to not have that pressure and I never get questioned a bit because the GPA is still in the high 3.8's.
Take the path with better grades. Nobody cares about your load (no homo), so if it affects your grades then you need to go the 15-16 route.
It depends on where you want to get into. If you want the top schools, then yes, A's and only A's are desired. If you are wanting any school, B's here and there are fine. Will taking more classes be beneficial to you (ie, finish earlier, cheaper tuition)?
i think it depends on if you need to take that extra class or whatever. if you're trying to save time and stay on track, then yeah do what you have to, take 18 creds. its not impossible to get all A's either.. but yeah 1 B+ won't kill you. haha. effing 4.0's...
Well I am doing research alongside studies, I think I'll take the safe route(15 hrs). Still debating, trying to keep a 4.0 makes life 10X more difficult...ughh..
I personally would take the 18 credit hour workload. If you can't handle 18 credit hours of undergrad courses I don't know how you would handle med school. I think it would be a nice challenge, but a completely doable one. As for keeping the 4.0, 4.0's are overrated :p