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Feb 5, 2020
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Hello, I have recently been accepted into the DPT program at Western University for the class of 2023. I have 2 weeks to pay my deposit, but wanted to have some time to think about it. I have heard mixed things - i.e. generous and knowledgeable faculty vs. not, nice curriculum vs. run down facilities. I have interviewed and liked it but I also have West Coast University in LA and University of the Pacific in Stockton to compare. I haven’t heard back from those schools but will soon, and I wanted to consider the factors of WesternU as soon as possible.

WCU - West Coast University does not have too much of a reputation because it was just accredited in 2017 and the program does not offer cadavers. But the professors and the atmosphere seemed to fit me more.

UOP - University of the Pacific - is the most expensive but offered an array of classrooms and cadavers for the DPT program as well as allows students access to their undergraduate facilities. The program is only 2 years and is near where I live so I can commute rather than staying somewhere in SoCal (Pomona or LA).

Sorry for the long post! Just wanted to see if anyone is a current or former student at any of these schools who can offer some insight!

Also, are there any prospective students for WesternU who has accepted their offer or is debating as well?

Thank you!

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No one cares about school's reputation when they hire you as long as you have your license. Cadavers are cool experience (and even not everyone would agree with that), but it's not the end of the world if you do not work with them. If a school is accredited, it is good enough to provide you with education that will allow you to pass the boards and start your career as a PT.
2 -year program sounds very intense. maybe think about whether you are willing to have a higher workload to finish earlier. You can look at their curriculum and compare the number of units per semester this or that program requires.
It's a good idea to compare the cost of living and tuition: is it cheaper to rent in Pomona/LA or paying tuition in UOP?
I don't think "school atmosphere" should be used to choose the school because it's really only based on the way the school presented itself on the day you were there. All the schools will be more or less the same as you go there.
Kinda off topic but do you have any idea when we are supposed to hear back from UoP?
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Maybe we’re #1 and 2 on the waitlist or something too 🙂 they could do a thing where they give the initial offers a week and then send out second offers and waitlists? I have actually gotten a couple acceptances, I declined my seat from Rocky Mountain and Midwestern and then I’m deciding between Franklin Pierce and UNLV! And I’m on a BUNCH of waitlists haha. Hby besides western?
Man if I’m waitlisted high I might at as well go to WesternU. I got accepted into West Coast just yesterday. I liked the vibe when I went. But I like that Western offers cadavers and clinicals throughout the program while West Coast holds them off til the very end. I have an acceptance at Emory in Georgia but I want to stay in CA. I paid the deposit already omg. Still haven’t declined my offer until I know for sure that I’m going to Western. I just want UOP to tell me before I pay the deposit even if it is bad news. Don’t wanna get accepted right after I pay. Did you pay any deposits for UNLV or Franklin Pierce? My friend is attending UNLV he likes the neuro research they have!

Maybe we’re #1 and 2 on the waitlist or something too 🙂 they could do a thing where they give the initial offers a week and then send out second offers and waitlists? I have actually gotten a couple acceptances, I declined my seat from Rocky Mountain and Midwestern and then I’m deciding between Franklin Pierce and UNLV! And I’m on a BUNCH of waitlists haha. Hby besides western?
I ended up paying both deposits because I found out from FPU in early Dec and wanted to go somewhere and then accepted UNLV in late Jan! That’s great that you have options tho I’ve heard good things about both schools!! I actually declined my Western interview bc it was so close to UNLVs and I didn’t want to fly to both. I wanted to stay in California too but got waitlisted at SMU and rejected from cal states 🙁 I know I wish they would tell us too!! Like rip the band-aid off it’s the last school I’m waiting for
Dang 2 deposits! Emory was $1000. And WesternU is also a $1000. So UOP better let us know soon cuz that’s $600! My friend also got waitlisted at SMU but she has no number so she gave up on that. I don’t like how waitlisted schools will have us til the start of class. I’d like to know my housing situation way before lol. I also got waitlisted at Sac State and Fresno State but im just banking on these private schools now. It sounds like WesternU is where I’m going. Let me know though if you get a UOP call! I will let you know too!

I ended up paying both deposits because I found out from FPU in early Dec and wanted to go somewhere and then accepted UNLV in late Jan! That’s great that you have options tho I’ve heard good things about both schools!! I actually declined my Western interview bc it was so close to UNLVs and I didn’t want to fly to both. I wanted to stay in California too but got waitlisted at SMU and rejected from cal states 🙁 I know I wish they would tell us too!! Like rip the band-aid off it’s the last school I’m waiting for
Melinda! I just got a call from UOP today did you?!

I ended up paying both deposits because I found out from FPU in early Dec and wanted to go somewhere and then accepted UNLV in late Jan! That’s great that you have options tho I’ve heard good things about both schools!! I actually declined my Western interview bc it was so close to UNLVs and I didn’t want to fly to both. I wanted to stay in California too but got waitlisted at SMU and rejected from cal states 🙁 I know I wish they would tell us too!! Like rip the band-aid off it’s the last school I’m waiting for
I am! I just want that email already so I can pay the deposit before I decline the other offers lol.
Hey did you or your friend end up committing to UoP?? I committed there a while ago and want to start meeting classmates 🙂
Hey did you or your friend end up committing to UoP?? I committed there a while ago and want to start meeting classmates 🙂

Hey I have also been accepted to U of P and want to start meeting classmates. So thankful for this website!! Do you know if there is a Facebook page??
Hey I have also been accepted to U of P and want to start meeting classmates. So thankful for this website!! Do you know if there is a Facebook page??
I haven’t found a Facebook page for our year yet but I’d be down to start one or a GroupMe chat ☺️