What are my chances if I apply this cycle/ VCU CERT

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May 2, 2021
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Hello everyone, I'm a pre-dental graduate and am still studying for the DAT. I was told by an advisor that I should look into the CERT program at VCU. They told me that if I get a 3.5 GPA in this program then I have a chance to get early file review from the school of dentistry at VCU. The only issue is, I was planning on applying this summer to dental schools. I had a 3.2 cGPA for my undergrad with 3.1 sGPA, I dont know if it would be worth it to proceed with the CERT program or whether with these GPA stats It would be ok to just go ahead with applying.
Does anyone have any input regarding the VCU CERT program/ my stats?

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I would do well on the DAT and apply broadly. The CERT program is difficult and mainly aimed for pre-med applicants. I had similar stats as you and did the CERT program and applied concurrently, I thankfully got accepted during the program and dropped out. The classes are VERY difficult and I think added more stress to the application process. On top of that, if you are applying concurrently and get interviews you have to miss classes to attend those interviews which for me was very stressful. I thought the program was a waste of money and did not help me get in to dental school at all. I would look in to doing really well on your DAT and applying broadly to multiple programs. The only positive of the CERT program was that it really helped prioritize how to study and do well in difficult classes that you would be taking in dental school.