What are my chances...i'm feeling hopeless

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May 31, 2006
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So after spending the last 2 weeks trying to complete my aadsas application, i'm starting to wonder if its even worth it to apply. I have a gpa of 3.05, sgpa of 2.8. i'm taking the DAT in august. I have about 80 hrs of shadowing, taking a perceptual skills and sculpting class next month at ucla dental and an extra physics and anatomy class at a jc in sept, which i'm sure I will do well in. I also have put on my application that I recently applied to a caribbean med school and was accepted, yet the truth is that i'd much rather do dentistry. I'm applying to arizona, howard, nyu, bu, tuffts, and uop...any thoughts? do you think I have a shot anywhere assuming I get 20+ on the DAT? I'm really stressing out about the whole thing.... Also one other question I have is that I did an internship with an oral surgeon, but only went there once (5 hrs) and had to drop due to a change in my class schedule, is it worth even mentioning? Any input or motivation would be greatly appreciated, especially if you had similar stats as mine and got in...thanks.

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Rock the DAT and do what you really want to do! You're working really hard to make your Stats better and you can express all of this in your personal statement. Mention everything you've done to learn about dentistry wherever you can find space for it. Don't settle for your profession. You'll regret it.
kavoisier said:
So after spending the last 2 weeks trying to complete my aadsas application, i'm starting to wonder if its even worth it to apply. I have a gpa of 3.05, sgpa of 2.8. i'm taking the DAT in august. I have about 80 hrs of shadowing, taking a perceptual skills and sculpting class next month at ucla dental and an extra physics and anatomy class at a jc in sept, which i'm sure I will do well in. I also have put on my application that I recently applied to a caribbean med school and was accepted, yet the truth is that i'd much rather do dentistry. I'm applying to arizona, howard, nyu, bu, tuffts, and uop...any thoughts? do you think I have a shot anywhere assuming I get 20+ on the DAT? I'm really stressing out about the whole thing.... Also one other question I have is that I did an internship with an oral surgeon, but only went there once (5 hrs) and had to drop due to a change in my class schedule, is it worth even mentioning? Any input or motivation would be greatly appreciated, especially if you had similar stats as mine and got in...thanks.

your science gpa is def going to be a big problem. adcoms usually like seeing students hit at least a 3.0 for their cum as well as science gpa. your chances seem slim to none and you may need to pursue some kind of post BA work. assuming you even get a 20+ on the DAT that wont compensate for your low gpa and you can trust me on this because i've spoken with many pre health advisors as well as directors of admissions and they have all told me the same thing. you're going to have to bring up that gpa by either considering post baccs or grad programs. good luck
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Hey man, this is not official, but I think NYU is turning into one of those 20+ DAT, 3.1 GPA schools

So you have a shot. I think its been a trend here if you can prove yourself on the DAT but didn't do so hot GPA wise they will give you a shot.

I think NYU is one of the few schools that recognizes the fact some students have it hard in undergrad, such as working to pay for school, looking after family, etc.

have a good personal statement, a rock solid DAT, and I think NYU will be a good match for you.
i had similar stats than u and i got interviews at temple, bu, and nyu, so maybe u should add temple to your list, if you're willing to go to school in that not-so-nice part of philly. and even if you don't get in, u can always reapply and increase your gpa by taking additional upper level science classes.
when i was making backup plans, i asked USC, and they said to basically take 4-5 more bio classes and u'd be fine....given u've scored 20s on the dat.

good luck!
I am in a similar boat as you.

I have had financial and medical problems that have kept me from finishing school on time and somtimes hindering my schoolwork. I have multiple dropped classes becasue of this.

I have a 2.85 total with a 2.9 science gpa. After august i will have a 3.0 total and a 3.1 gpa.

I have gotten all As this quarter at UCLA in 3 difficult science classes.

I am also taking the DAT in about a month.

Should I apply now? or wait until my GPA hits 3.0 and I have my GPA.