What are my chances? Okay ECs, Nice grades

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5+ Year Member
Mar 20, 2019
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Hey guys! Got lots of schools I'm trying to pick from. Having a tough time in identifying how competitive my application is, and where I should allocate my apps. I'm not a huge gunner for T20 schools or anything, I'm really just happy to go about anywhere to study medicine (except the Caribbean).

I'm also a biochemistry B.S. major, currently a senior.
  1. cGpa: 3.88 sGPA: 3.88
  2. MCAT: 520, bio/biochem: 130, Chem/phys: 131, CARS: 128, Psych: 131
  3. Technically a resident of Wisconsin
  4. Caucasian
  5. University of Washington
Clinical experience (volunteer and non-volunteer)\
  • Summer Internship at Neurology Clinic (120 hrs)
  • Clinical Research assistant UW Dermatology, 2.5 yrs (700 hrs)
  • Program assistant in clinic for homeless HIV patients 1 yr (150 hrs) (volunteering)
Research experience and productivity
  • As above Clinical Research assistant, probs no pubs by the time I apply
  • Neurotech Lab Research Assistant 1.5 yrs (600 hrs)
Shadowing experience and specialties represented

Neurology (10 hrs), neuropsychology (35hrs), neuroradiology (5 hrs), neurosurgery (4 hrs)
Primary Care, general internist (20hrs)
Dermatology (25 hrs)

Non-clinical volunteering
  • Food Bank, 1.5 yrs (350 hrs)
  • Blood bank, 2 yrs (80 hrs)
  • Hunger Task Force Farm Volunteer (80 hrs)
Other extracurricular activities (including athletics, military service, gap year activities, leadership, teaching, etc)
  • Co-Director for a fundraising Club at school for Seattle Childrens Hospital (1 yr, 300 hrs)
  • President and Cofounder of an Electronic Music Production Club at UW (2 yrs)
  • College Radio Host (1 yrs)
  • Home Renovator for a real estate company every summer
Relevant honors or awards
Deans List every quarter, Purple and Gold Scholarship. Not much here

Taking a Gap Year in Chicago as an EMT-B, and just keeping my volunteering up.

I'm looking to apply to about 25-30 schools, my current list has about 38, so I guess what do y'all think my chances are and what schools do you think I should take off/add on? There are a few too many reach on here I know, this is a very prelim list for me! Thanks a lot. List is below!

  1. Northwestern Medical School (Feinberg)
  2. Pritzker School of Medicine
  3. Rush Odds: Pretty good
  4. University of Wisconsin Madison
  5. University of Maryland Odds:
  6. University of Washington odds :
  7. UNiversity of Michigan Ann Arbor
  8. University of Pennyslvania
  9. University in St. Louis
  10. University of Minnesota
  11. University of Massecheussetts
  12. Dartmouth (ez letters)
  13. University of Iowa
  14. Boston University
  15. Jefferson University Philidelphia
  16. Medical College of wisconsin
  17. Wright state
  18. Albany
  19. Albert Einstein, Bronx NY
  20. Case Western Reserve
  21. COlumbia (reach)
  22. Drexel
  23. Emory university, atlanta,
  24. George Washington University
  25. Georgetown
  26. Indiana University
  27. Loyola
  28. Ohio state university
  29. Oregon health and science university
  30. University of Vermont
  31. SUNY Brooklyn
  32. Tufts
  33. University of Colorado
  34. Rosalind Franklin university
  35. University of north carolina
  36. UPitt
  37. U Virginia
  38. Wash U

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You should receive several interviews from your list. You could remove many of the state public schools where you are not a resident such as Minnesota, North Carolina, Oregon, Colorado, Indiana, Wright State, UMass, Maryland, SUNY Brooklyn. Also schools such as Drexel, Albany, George Washington are low yield for you due to your high stats.
Get more clinical volunteering hours: 150 is slightly low. Not sure the clinical research assistant and the neuroscience internship jobs would count as clinical experience. Another 50 or 100 by application time would put you in a very good place. Good luck!
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Here's a list that your app merits.

  1. Northwestern Medical School (Feinberg)
  2. Pritzker School of Medicine
  3. University of Wisconsin Madison
  4. UNiversity of Michigan Ann Arbor
  5. University of Pennyslvania
  6. Dartmouth
  7. University of Iowa
  8. Boston University
  9. Jefferson University Philidelphia
  10. Medical College of wisconsin
  11. Albert Einstein, Bronx NY
  12. Case Western Reserve
  13. COlumbia (reach)
  14. Emory university, atlanta,
  15. Ohio state university
  16. University of Vermont
  17. UPitt
  18. U Virginia
  19. Wash U
Also add:
Mt Sinai
Western MI
U Miami
EDIT: Duke
U Cincy
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Goro, I think this is the most top-heavy list I've ever seen you break out. That should be hugely encouraging, @CoolGuy2002! You might want to add your state schools.
That you do. You didn't encourage OP to apply to his state schools, which you always do, even for rockstars.