MD What are my weaknesses?

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5+ Year Member
Nov 7, 2016
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So, I know that this question is asked a lot, but it is a rather personal one that I have already done hours of research on and would like a diverse perspective!

Here are my current stats:

Neuroscience Major, Completed Spanish Minor
GPA: 4.0
MCAT: Not yet taken (will take this summer, already planned out 10 weeks of study)

Here are my extracurriculars:
Global Competencies Certificate (requires study abroad and international research components)
100 hours clinical volunteering
50 hours international clinical volunteering
100 hours lab research
100 hours non clinical
80 hours job shadowing
Two Study Abroad Trips
Volunteer Coordinator for AMSA
Teach introductory Honors class
(+ scholarships)

Here is what I plan to do:
Continue volunteering clinically, non clinically, and in a lab for the next two years
Continue to find job shadows
Take CNA classes to be a CNA during my planned gap year to get some money, volunteer, and plan a wedding

How can I improve my application?
I feel I have really grown in just my first year (I am in my second of three years of undergrad). I know that quality over quantity is most important - I have so many experiences that I can already write about and feel I have developed a mature perspective. However, if there are significant gaps that anyone sees, knowing sooner than later would be great!

Thank you for your time! 🙂

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I know this was a while ago, and I am still in high school, but I just want you to know that I took a screenshot of all your stats as a guideline for when I am prepping for med school applications..... girl, you got your stuff together. You are a serious role model for the rest of us

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Also, I love your username. I watch Disney's Mulan all the time, she is perfect

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I took a look at what you've already done so far, and I thought you were a senior or older until I got to the last part of your post. You're definitely on the right track. I get the feeling you're aiming for the best of the best schools; they tend to like applicants with plenty of research experience. If you manage to publish, that would be really impressive.

Your plan moving forward sounds pretty solid. I can't say I have much to add. I'll just recommend that you take the MCAT very seriously. The road to med school is littered with high-GPA/low-MCAT applicants. But 10 weeks sounds like plenty, and if you score 518+, I'm sure you'll get some interviews from top-20 schools.