What are the chances of 2 people getting in

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Feb 19, 2006
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My girlfriend (3.5 years) and I want to get married after we graduate from undergrad (may 2007). but we want to get accepted to the same dental schools before we are engaged. we will both b applying this summer for fall 2007. i was wondering what are our chances of 2 ppl getting accepted from the same university with the same major. my gpa is about 3.5 cum/3.25sci, her cum gpa 3.7/sci 3.5. i know this is a vague question that is tough to answer. but we are from az, and there is only one dental school here that seems pretty tight on admissions. most likely we will have to apply outta state. i was thinking most outta state schools wont feel too crazy about taking 2 ppl w the same major from the same school unless we do something extraordinary, like cure cancer. we both will be taking the DATs for the first time in july/aug. what do u guys/girls think?

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SayitIsntSO said:
My girlfriend (3.5 years) and I want to get married after we graduate from undergrad (may 2007). but we want to get accepted to the same dental schools before we are engaged. we will both b applying this summer for fall 2007. i was wondering what are our chances of 2 ppl getting accepted from the same university with the same major. my gpa is about 3.5 cum/3.25sci, her cum gpa 3.7/sci 3.5. i know this is a vague question that is tough to answer. but we are from az, and there is only one dental school here that seems pretty tight on admissions. most likely we will have to apply outta state. i was thinking most outta state schools wont feel too crazy about taking 2 ppl w the same major from the same school unless we do something extraordinary, like cure cancer. we both will be taking the DATs for the first time in july/aug. what do u guys/girls think?

Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?
I think there's a good chance. At one of my interviews, I learned that there were a pair of twins in one of the classes. ........ lesson: if twins can get into the same school and graduate in the same year, then so can a married couple. Good luck!
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SayitIsntSO said:
My girlfriend (3.5 years) and I want to get married after we graduate from undergrad (may 2007). but we want to get accepted to the same dental schools before we are engaged. we will both b applying this summer for fall 2007. i was wondering what are our chances of 2 ppl getting accepted from the same university with the same major. my gpa is about 3.5 cum/3.25sci, her cum gpa 3.7/sci 3.5. i know this is a vague question that is tough to answer. but we are from az, and there is only one dental school here that seems pretty tight on admissions. most likely we will have to apply outta state. i was thinking most outta state schools wont feel too crazy about taking 2 ppl w the same major from the same school unless we do something extraordinary, like cure cancer. we both will be taking the DATs for the first time in july/aug. what do u guys/girls think?

You guys have pretty good GPA's so your chances of getting into a school of your choice is pretty high. My only advice is to apply to private schools (columbia, tufs, bu, nyu, temple), schools with a huge class size (you can do a bit of research on that), and apply to A LOT of the same schools. Also, apply early ie. June(common sense). Also, do well on your DAT's. If you take you DAT in July and didn't score well, you have the option of retaking it again in October. Bottom line is you have solid stats, getting into the same school should not be a problem.
btw, I think it's so cute that you guys are going to be married before starting school together
At Columbia, we have a married couple in the second year class, a pair of twins as well as a bf/gf couple from before dental school in the first year class.
I know a couple (I call them the dental couple) that are married and received multiple acceptances to dental schools. Both have very solid GPA's, a few point difference on the their respective DAT, and exceptional EC's. They would only go to a school that accepted them both. It can be done. Put forth your best effort and good luck to both of you.
Another piece of advice, apply to CA state schools too. I have met some AZ natives at UCSF and UCLA interviews who were considered WICHE applicants...

Of course, as stated...great DATs and applying early are good ways to increase the chances that both of you will get in :)

I am in a similar situation currently with my partner...It adds an extra bit of stress to the whole process...but it is nice to share your excitement with interviews, acceptances etc. with someone who understands...

We did not mention names of our partners or even that we had partners/planning to marry while interviewing or filling out applications. Both of our research PIs suggest this because they said you don't want to have your personal life interpreted by others...since they could interpret it in many ways...Best to let the admission committees decide based on the facts and who you are as potential dentists...

Good luck...it will be worth it :)
I'm not sure about the same school, but you could apply to many neighboring schools. Like BU and Tufts, Penn and Temple, Columbia/StonyBrook/NJ/NYU, UCLA and USC....you get the point. Your guys' gpas look fine and pending your DAT scores I don't see any reason for you to not be able to attend neighboring schools.
SayitIsntSO said:
My girlfriend (3.5 years) and I want to get married after we graduate from undergrad (may 2007). but we want to get accepted to the same dental schools before we are engaged. we will both b applying this summer for fall 2007. i was wondering what are our chances of 2 ppl getting accepted from the same university with the same major. my gpa is about 3.5 cum/3.25sci, her cum gpa 3.7/sci 3.5. i know this is a vague question that is tough to answer. but we are from az, and there is only one dental school here that seems pretty tight on admissions. most likely we will have to apply outta state. i was thinking most outta state schools wont feel too crazy about taking 2 ppl w the same major from the same school unless we do something extraordinary, like cure cancer. we both will be taking the DATs for the first time in july/aug. what do u guys/girls think?

Just want to tell you that it can be done. Me and my gf are going to the same dental school next year.

We are from the same university with the same major as well. My gpa is around 3.5 cum and sci, DAT around 23. My gf is around 3.8 cum and sci, DAT around 22.

I agree with previous posts,just be prepared to apply to a lot of schools, especially the privates ones with large class size (BU, Tufts, NYU, Temple, Penn, Columbia......etc.).

Just do well on the DAT (>22), and I am sure you and your gf will have absolutely no problem in getting into the same dental school.
in other words...get engaged before interviews start in late august early september ha
Me and my girl are going to the same school next year, she's going for the hygiene program though. It was a dream come true that I got accepted this year so that we could be together. I guess since she's not dental then my post doens't really apply to this thread..........but I just wanted to make a real quick public declaration of love.

I love ajeckel and she is sexy!
SayitIsntSO said:
My girlfriend (3.5 years) and I want to get married after we graduate from undergrad (may 2007). but we want to get accepted to the same dental schools before we are engaged. what do u guys/girls think?

It can be done! My bf & I got accepted to some of the same dental schools we applied to. Just make sure you guys BOTH send out ur apps early and try sending them around the same time..cuz u may both end up getting to go to ur interviews together. My bf and I took our DAT on the same day & sent out our apps on the same day so we basically heard back from our schools around the same time. Because of that we got to go to some of our interviews together & that helped to cut down on the huge travel expenses and I had him there for support too..so it was great. :thumbup:
Just wanted to add another story of encouragement. It worked for me and my gf as well. We got into all 3 schools to which we both applied (VCU, MD, Upenn). both of us had pretty high gpa's and the same major (non-science). Like people above said, just apply early, get your best DAT score and you should at least get one mutual acceptance. Best of luck!!