What classes should I take with Organic Chem 1?

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Jul 14, 2017
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This coming fall semester, I will be in 16 credits and am wondering if this is too much to take with organic 1.

1. Elementary Statistics (required by major and pre-med
2. Human Physiology + lab (major class; it's a biology class)
3. Organic Chem 1 (pre-med requirement)
4. Kinesiology 202 (major class)
5. Music 200 (general education)

I would like to get good grades in all of my classes and I know 3-4 of the 6 I'm taking are going to be time consuming. I also am going to rush a professional organization in the fall but that shouldn't be too time consuming. Is this schedule doable? I'd like to have some time to *breathe*


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Seemingly many SNDers have problem with OChem (as I've seen many class bout this), although I think OChem is just one of the easiest class to go.
I don't think studying 16 credits is stressful. Indeed, the answer depends on your ability. For example, what was your grade?
If you can only get 3.2 with 12 credits, then I would say taking 16 credits are risky.
However if you are used to getting 4.0 with 15 credits, I don't see any issue studying OChem at all.
Only you know if you can handle that much. I personally found OCHEM 1 to be one of the easiest prerequisites for medical school. However, a good friend of mine has taken it three times and still hasn't managed an A. It varies from person to person.
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Seemingly many SNDers have problem with OChem (as I've seen many class bout this), although I think OChem is just one of the easiest class to go.
I don't think studying 16 credits is stressful. Indeed, the answer depends on your ability. For example, what was your grade?
If you can only get 3.2 with 12 credits, then I would say taking 16 credits are risky.
However if you are used to getting 4.0 with 15 credits, I don't see any issue studying OChem at all.

Last semester I took 14 credits and got a 3.9 (took Bio 2 +lab, anatomy, communications class, kinesiology class) and the semester before I was in 14 credits and got a 3.52 (bio 1, gen chem 1, philosophy, writing), and over the summer I took a 4 week gen chem 2 class + lab and got an A.
Only you know if you can handle that much. I personally found OCHEM 1 to be one of the easiest prerequisites for medical school. However, a good friend of mine has taken it three times and still hasn't managed an A. It varies from person to person.

What did you find that was easy about it & how did you study? Have you heard of these guides? I'm thinking about purchasing them (Master Organic Chemistry Study Guides). Thanks.
What did you find that was easy about it & how did you study? Have you heard of these guides? I'm thinking about purchasing them (Master Organic Chemistry Study Guides). Thanks.
It was easy for me because I mastered gen chem inside and out. A lot of my peers struggled because they had to review gen chem concepts on top of new material. Also, I studied for organic every day for about 2 hours. That commitment meant I never fell behind and was never ill-prepared for exams.