What does it mean when med schools talk about AP requirements like this?

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Feb 20, 2022
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From Yale's website:
"U.S. Advanced Placement credits from high school do not themselves satisfy premedical requirements, but advanced college, university courses or institute of technology courses (for which students are made eligible by AP credits) may be substituted for introductory-level courses in each of these subjects."
Say I have an AP that gives me automatic credit for a 101 at my school that is a premed req. This allows me to skip to a 201 that is not a req. Under plain English I would think that Yale will not take the 101 I got credit for, and I would instead need to take the 201. This the same thing as Yale saying "We do not accept AP credits at all. Take an upper level class instead." Just wanted to confirm if that's the case.

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yes that is correct. they will not take the AP credit that counted for 101. they want you to take a class that has 101 as a prerequisite. they are not asking for upper division classes explicitly though; lower division classes that require 101 are still okay. eg if 101 is intro bio and 135 is intro immunology, and to take 135, you need to have 101, then taking 135 would count for Yale’s 101 requirement.
My advice: take the 101 class- if you got AP credit, then it should be an easy A. It won't "look better" to take an upper level science class and get anything below an A.

Kevin W, MCAT Tutor
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