What exactly are they looking for with "Please describe a challenge you faced and how you addressed it."

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The Deep

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Oct 15, 2018
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On your two ideas, you could coin flip it. Need details.
Would I be able to send you the version I've written for the first prompt? I don't need corrections/feedback if you're not allowed to give it, but was wondering if it would suffice.
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Honestly, OP, one of the things they are looking for is for you to be able to understand what the question is asking.
Haha, true. I'm mainly just trying to gauge whether it would be preferable to use a personal challenge (death in family, illness, etc) or something more like my first example, or whether both are equally acceptable. I know people reference the "adversity essay" and typically focus on:
  1. Overcoming Bullying
  2. Moving to a new place as a in immigrant
  3. Health issue of themselves or a loved one
  4. a Drug overdose or death of a friend.

This prompt is very general.
Haha, true. I'm mainly just trying to gauge whether it would be preferable to use a personal challenge (death in family, illness, etc) or something more like my first example, or whether both are equally acceptable. I know people reference the "adversity essay" and typically focus on:
  1. Overcoming Bullying
  2. Moving to a new place as a in immigrant
  3. Health issue of themselves or a loved one
  4. a Drug overdose or death of a friend.

This prompt is very general.
As I said, flip a coin.
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