What If????

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Oct 27, 2005
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What if for whatever reason, pursuing any health related career was no longer an option for you? What would you choose to be??? I'm not talking about what you'd do if you didn't get into dental school/any other health professional school or how you'd improve to reapply. What would you choose if you had to choose a completely different career?

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If I couldn't do anything in a health professional career I'd probably be a Patent Lawyer.
I'd be a college biology professor probably. Or possibly a cop.
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Not even a question. I'd be a fire fighter. Well respected, many days off in a row, and when you are working half the time you are just watching sports on TV. If you could deal with some of the brutal stuff you would see, I don't think there is a better career (except maybe dentistry).
hmm, i considered being a digital filmmaker, web designer, e-commerce entrepeneur, painter.

in the end though, i decided to make these my hobbies and dentistry my career :thumbup:
I would be a spy. If that didn't work out then I'd probably just marry a sugar momma :thumbup:
LumberJack, without a doubt
I'd be a p0rnstar