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May 26, 2006
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Hi, i am new to this forum. great thing it is!! i am wondering how many people have to take the dat, again, before they are accepted? What i mean is if you take the dat now, score average, but a school wants you to take them again before you interview or after you apply or something. Does THIS occur often. make sense?
Any help or advice is nice. Thanks you guys!! ;)

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MansonTiles said:
Hi, i am new to this forum. great thing it is!! i am wondering how many people have to take the dat, again, before they are accepted? What i mean is if you take the dat now, score average, but a school wants you to take them again before you interview or after you apply or something. Does THIS occur often. make sense?
Any help or advice is nice. Thanks you guys!! ;)

I know of a few dental students that have taken it more the once but remember you have to wait 90 days to take it again and all your scores are reported......so I guess if you are on top of things and have already taken it or are taking it very soon you could still take it again if you bomb it and not be to late in applying........I dont think a school would tell you to take it again, they seem tough to get answers out of to me......if you are at the interview then your DAT score was probably acceptable
I HAVE another question! I am near submitting my application. NOW, if I write down people i am going to have recs from, but LATER, get letters from other people that I did not list, or visa versa (SOMEONE i listed DID NOT write me a letter) after the submission,
CAN you have letters sent from people not on your application?????? or visa versa?

i wish i would have found this website soooooonER!
bye. thanks guys and gals. :D :scared:
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yes, you can edit who your letters of rec are at anytime if somebody bails on you. Just send in your app now
BEAutiful! thank you for the replys. SERIOUSLY? HOWW are you able to update the application AFTER it has been submitted????

WHAT other SECTIONS are able to be UPDATED? so,,,leeters of rec can, what about ECs, or volunteer or dental experience or.....

this is great informations!
You can only edit a few portions. THe only ones are letters of rec, schools you're applying to, and the DAT...i think
MansonTiles said:
BEAutiful! thank you for the replys. SERIOUSLY? HOWW are you able to update the application AFTER it has been submitted????

WHAT other SECTIONS are able to be UPDATED? so,,,leeters of rec can, what about ECs, or volunteer or dental experience or.....

this is great informations!

The vast majority of your questions can be answered by the FAQ on the AADSAS and Instruction Booklet http://www.adea.org/AADSAS/WebDocs/AppAADSASInstructions.pdf have a look at it.
so nice THANKS for the link.....................answers all my QUESTIONS!

I do have ONE MORE!
I am so close in submitting the application! what happens if you do more volunteering/EC STUFFS AFTER you have submitted, you arent able to update the app, is there anything that you can write down now or is it not gonna MATTER!

i don't really think it's necessary. you can also tell indicate this on some of the secondary application or let them know during the interview. as long as you have some, you'll be ok.
thank you guys and gals for the REPLIES!!
nice to have HELP out THERE!

I have been reading many of these posts and IT SEEMS THAT MOST PEOPLE on this website.....have CRAZY GOOD GRADES! and DAT scores!!!! what the H.

i have a 3.3 CUM, 3.3 SCIENCE....what kind of DAT scores do I NEED to be cool on this site!!!! (or be able to get an acceptance or interviews).

wow. thanks. bye. :scared: ?
MansonTiles said:
thank you guys and gals for the REPLIES!!
nice to have HELP out THERE!

I have been reading many of these posts and IT SEEMS THAT MOST PEOPLE on this website.....have CRAZY GOOD GRADES! and DAT scores!!!! what the H.

i have a 3.3 CUM, 3.3 SCIENCE....what kind of DAT scores do I NEED to be cool on this site!!!! (or be able to get an acceptance or interviews).

wow. thanks. bye. :scared: ?

Well my stats were around 3.4 or 3.39 and 20 TS 21 AA 23 PAT. I got interviews at several schools and waitlisted at 3 out of 12 schools (over did it) with no volunteering/dental related activities at the time. I'm going to NYU :D . I hope that helps but of course every cycle is different so don't look only at my numbers and what not. Go to predents.com. Great site with a pool of people's GPA, DATs, and other statistics. Goodluck.
Tilt23 said:
I .....I dont think a school would tell you to take it again, ......if

That happens to one of my friend last year. He was asked to take the DAT again by xx date before they gave him an interview...
MansonTiles said:
Hi, i am new to this forum. great thing it is!! i am wondering how many people have to take the dat, again, before they are accepted? What i mean is if you take the dat now, score average, but a school wants you to take them again before you interview or after you apply or something. Does THIS occur often. make sense?
Any help or advice is nice. Thanks you guys!! ;)

Yes manson it is possible for a school to be interested in you and ask you to re-take the DAt if you have an average score. This can happen if the rest of your application looks impressive, but your DAT scores dont seem to match the rest of your app.
MansonTiles said:
BEAutiful! thank you for the replys. SERIOUSLY? HOWW are you able to update the application AFTER it has been submitted????

WHAT other SECTIONS are able to be UPDATED? so,,,leeters of rec can, what about ECs, or volunteer or dental experience or.....

this is great informations!

to answer how you update after submitting the app, aadsas mails the information still. it will likely take a couple weeks for it to go out though.
also, some secondary applications will ask for updates. penn asked what kind of dental volunteering and shadowing that i had done since submitting my app.
gals and guys...THANK YOU for the replies. it is nice to see so many people willing to HELP< EVEN THOUGH WE are ALL competing against each OTHER! but the courtesy is appreciated. i wish all predents on this SITE are able to get into a school they want, OR ANY SCHOOL.. in my CASE!!

i am having a dilemma, and need some advice though! i want to take MY DAT on end of june....but I DONT WANT TO TAKE IT AGAIN if it is average. do you think it is a good idea to hold off until perfectly ready...by like AUGUST! and takes it just once..........or take it end of june and take it again in sept. if necessary!!!!! is septemebr tooooo LATE for a retake!!!

jesus. i am doubting my self big time, but just trying to be realistic i guess!!!

do peoepl ususally GET IN their FIRST TIME! interested to know!!

THANKS AGAIN YOU ALL. good bye and good luck.
PickMe said:
to answer how you update after submitting the app, aadsas mails the information still. it will likely take a couple weeks for it to go out though.
also, some secondary applications will ask for updates. penn asked what kind of dental volunteering and shadowing that i had done since submitting my app.

ok sounds GREAT THEN! i will go ahead and send this APP ASAP!!!

is it ok to put down people that MIGHT NOT EVEN WRITE ANYTHING FOR YOU JUST IN CASE>>>OR SHOULD i not write anything inthe LOR section at all, and update LATER!!!!!!!

bye. :)
MansonTiles said:
ok sounds GREAT THEN! i will go ahead and send this APP ASAP!!!

is it ok to put down people that MIGHT NOT EVEN WRITE ANYTHING FOR YOU JUST IN CASE>>>OR SHOULD i not write anything inthe LOR section at all, and update LATER!!!!!!!

bye. :)

write down the names of the people you asked for letters, and if you havent asked anyone yet, then do it asap.
PickMe said:
write down the names of the people you asked for letters, and if you havent asked anyone yet, then do it asap.

see now....I HAVE ASKED profs and a dentist to write me letters, of course. BUT, SOME OF THEM ARE NOT RESPONDING TO MY EMIALS AND SOME ARE....SO what IM asking is should I write down ALL the names, so that IF some of them are not able to later, then I CAN ERASE the ones that don't and leave the ones that DO................

i just dont know how ill be able to update it later!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank you bunches to all you cute future dentists! :)