Medical What post-bacc or masters program should I do?

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May 10, 2013
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I am a fourth year pre med at USF and I was wondering what to do next. My gpa is subpar and I have been studying for the mcat and am planning on taking a gap year to strengthen my application for medical school. Does anyone have any advice as to what post bacc and or masters programs are good to help with gpa.
We can provide better advice if you give us specifics on your actual GPA (both overall and science).

Post-bac are traditionally for non-science majors who have graduated and would like to pursue medicine. SMP's are traditionally for science graduates who need more buffer to increase their GPA and build off the courses you have taken. The best SMP's are the ones tied to a contractual agreement that allow admission into the foundational medical school running the SMP if you perform at the top of your class and/or ones that have a truly spectacular track record of having their graduates matriculate into medical school.

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Overall (current): 2.84
Science: 2.29
I would absolutely focus on beefing your GPA up first before considering taking the MCAT at the moment (that means, don't sign up just yet). Don't know how many SMP's will consider you given the fact that many do have GPA requirements. If you do end up in one, you will need to do very very well to show programs that whatever happened in undergrad will not happen again in medical school.

Did you fail any science courses? If so, you can retake them with a higher grade and a DIY post-bacc would be better.

This is going to be a long road to repair your GPA and it may take more than a year to really build your application. Patience and close advising will be key to your success.
Here is a complete breakdown of my stats and other various things if that helps.

  1. cGPA:2.84 sGPA: 2.29
  2. 479 122/118/121/118 (have to retake (March or April Date TBA)
  3. Florida
  4. Indian-American
  5. University of South Florida
  6. Volunteer at local hospital (Front Desk and ER) , Volunteer at local Hospital (ER), Youth Center Volunteer
  7. Looking into research
  8. So far only virtual shadowing
  9. Front desk job at Super 8 Motel Tampa
  10. Member of Hindu Student Council, American Cultured Desi, American Red Cross, PAMSA
  11. Dean's List
School List (Tentative):
Nova College of Osteopathic Medicine
Nova College of Allopathic Medicine
Morsani College of Medicine
University of Florida College of Medicine
Georgetown College of Medicine
Emory School of Medicine
Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
(More to come)
Your stats are lethal for any MD or DO school.

Doing a research MS will not help for MD, but DO schools will consider it.

Read this:

I don't recommend any particular program. They're a dime-a-dozen
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