What schools should I apply to

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5+ Year Member
Apr 23, 2018
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I am Canadian- my MCAT scores just came out at a 518- 130/128/129/131
I know CARS is a bit low but I'd still like to think I could? try for some of the top 5 unis like Hopkins or Stanford.
My gpa is 3.89 and I have a publication along the way. What schools should I try for?

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I don't know if you have a ceiling with stats like that as long as your ECs are up to par.
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Yes... I don't know what being a Canadian resident does for your chances at schools, however. I know there's "Canadian friendly schools," but I guess that would imply that there are "Canadian unfriendly schools..." that could be a roadblock for you potentially, but once again a balanced 518 MCAT and a ~3.9 GPA is nothing to look at lightly.
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Yes... I don't know what being a Canadian resident does for your chances at schools, however. I know there's "Canadian friendly schools," but I guess that would imply that their are "Canadian unfriendly schools..." that could be a roadblock for you potentially, but once again a balanced 518 MCAT and a ~3.9 GPA is nothing to look at lightly.
Makes sense! Thank you 🙂
Not every school accepts/considers International students. Do you have the MSAR? If so use it to identify the schools that do accept International students. and go from there.