What should my next move be? Had to push my exam back and now I'm just lost

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5+ Year Member
Oct 23, 2018
Reaction score
So I have recently decided to push my exam back. My exam is scheduled for June 30th but I am still yet to break 500 (my highest score was 497). I know that it is too late for me to raise my score so I plan on pushing it back or canceling it. When it comes to content I find that I struggle with grasping the big picture. I kind of just feel like I'm wandering through this journey with no real direction.
This is what I have come up with thus far:
  1. Cancel Exam
  2. Start Blueprint Class in August (Bc I am so burnt out that it hurts) ( I will continue to review my notes but I just need a chance to breathe)
  3. Take Biochem in the fall ( I am in a formal post-bac and I have 3 courses left to finish) (I took Elementary Biochem in undergrad but it meets the requirement and I think it would help) (This would be the only class that I take and only meets once a week)
  4. Part-time Job- ( I have an interview next week so hopefully I get it to partially finance my struggles)
  5. Reschedule Exam for January
Honestly, everything is up in the air. Any advice is appreciated. I'm sorry if I sound down, by no means am I giving up... If not now then next year, and I stand by that.

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As the MCAT is a high stake, career deciding exam, you were wise to push it back as opposed to taking it when you weren't ready.

Take only when you're ready, even if it means skipping this cycle. Med schools aren't going anywhere.