What to wear to second look at medical schools?

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Jan 23, 2012
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Hey guys, I have a few second looks scheduled at programs I have been accepted to and I was wondering what prospective student typically wear since these are post-interview. Should I wear a tie, something more business casual, or even jeans?

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Hey guys, I have a few second looks scheduled at programs I have been accepted to and I was wondering what prospective student typically wear since these are post-interview. Should I wear a tie, something more business casual, or even jeans?

Was wondering about this as well. It seems pretty school dependent. One school said they don't want to see you in formal attire at all during the entire weekend whereas another school said that you should be in business casual attire when attending school presentations.
How about slacks (or khakis), dress shirt (tucked in), no tie.

and obviously,

Black belt, brown shoes.
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Was wondering about this as well. It seems pretty school dependent. One school said they don't want to see you in formal attire at all during the entire weekend whereas another school said that you should be in business casual attire when attending school presentations.

And I thought my suit days were over (for a while at least...)

To be completely honest, if a school asks me to be in anything formal during second look weekend, I will probably laugh in its face. I already did that. At the interview. Then you let me in. HA HA HA neener neener neener.
Most schools' second looks require business casual at most. Khakis/slacks with button-up shirts for men (no need for ties). For women, khakis/slacks with blouse will be ok. Nothing fancy. Bring nice jeans if you want, so you can change into them when you go the bars or post-second look events. Or you can just wear whatever you have on if you're comfortable with that.
Most schools' second looks require business casual at most. Khakis/slacks with button-up shirts for men (no need for ties). For women, khakis/slacks with blouse will be ok. Nothing fancy. Bring nice jeans if you want, so you can change into them when you go the bars or post-second look events. Or you can just wear whatever you have on if you're comfortable with that.

This. Will probably wear nice jeans to the bars/social events and khakis or black pants during the program.
It's a good thing I read this. Was going to go very urban, casual...:thumbup: I approve of this thread.
I wasn't planning on dressing like a total dork for mine, geesh.

Just to be safe, I'll call no-takebacks. :cool:
Why not dress to impress. Definitely at the very least business casual-- but why not sport a tie? I always find that looking under-dressed is way worse than accidentally looking flyyy.

Can't hurt that's for sure.
dark jeans
dressy casual black shoes
non-white dress shirt, fitted
casual blazer at night