What will you contribute to the field of Dentistry?

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Sep 20, 2008
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What is the best way to answer this interview question???

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the best way to answer this is to look at your life and your experiences and formulate your answer based on YOUR life. you might be able to contribute something totally different than joe shmoe sitting nest to you. just reflect.
Sounds to me someone is trying to answer a question from Temple's secondary app.:p
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Sounds to me someone is trying to answer a question from Temple's secondary app.:p

This could be a stupid question, "Temple has a secondary?" I received the email that asked for basic biographical information...when do you get the secondary?
This could be a stupid question, "Temple has a secondary?" I received the email that asked for basic biographical information...when do you get the secondary?

When you get an interview, they email you a document named pre-interview summary which has a couple of "essay" or short answer questions.
I would try to bullsH*t something. BUT, keep in mind these ppl asked this question before and they know what its like to conjure a good response, one that isnt total BS. If you did BS them they will probably see right through it. So if you have no answer tell them. "I havent thought about how i would contribute to the field just yet but i kno ill do something positive to improve it, i just dont kno wat it is exactly yet". Your obviously not a dentists yet and you really dont kno as much as a dentists about the feild so how will you know what you will contribute before u even know what the problem is? There are countless BS answers to this. I would just try to be honest. Unless u already have a good answer to this Question be honest. In interviews they ask you questions that they dont expect answers from, so just be honest. :cool:
Remember. Honesty is the best policy.

Tell them you're going to be another dentist who'll rush to the metropolitan to find a job. You probably won't take medicaid, because the payment process is to painful to deal with. You'll also try to go into cosmetic dentistry, because that's where the big bucks are.
Edit. I misunderstood the question lol
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Honesty is the best policy, but if you're really having trouble, it might be a good idea to take a look at the school's mission statements.
there has to be some aspect of yourself that you can contribute to the field! it doesn't even have to be unique, in my opinion.

i know my response to this question, and as far as i can tell it's worked pretty well. my quality is xxx (anyone could use this, actually), and it's a personal quality/outlook that i know everyone here posesses. And I know it's worked because the two times I've used this response, both times the interviewer has smiled and said "Yes, I can see that" or something to that effect.

If you exude any type of personality trait or quality or background, for sure that can contribute to the field. Just tell them why and be honest about it!
You'll reconsider dentistry and then find your own reasoning for what you can.could contribute.
just think about your strongest personal qualities and spin them toward dentistry.
Think about your experiences.. Are you a leader? Will you bring responsibility, accountability and skill? Empathy? You should probly be more broad than the sense of I will give the best prophy/restoration/etc.
Think about your experiences.. Are you a leader? Will you bring responsibility, accountability and skill? Empathy? You should probly be more broad than the sense of I will give the best prophy/restoration/etc.

I just hate the broad answers because you sound like everyone else...There has to be a better way to go.
Obviously you personalize it.. No two peoples experiences are identical, thats what makes us individuals. But you have to answer with something that has backing.. "I can bring integrity"... Examples - I was on judicial and academic integrity.. bad example but understand?. Something like that with something you have already proven.
Tell them to let you in and they'll find out.

"I will offer all of my patients a sucker on the way out so I can keep them coming back for more."

Change we can believe in?? Or just change?? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I would say, "I will contribute 4,326 crowns, 1,105 bridges, 899 root canals, 1,988 RPD's and about one million composite restorations."