When should I start applying

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Nov 6, 2006
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For 2007 its the end already right? So for 2008 I heard I should turn in apps June 1...Some one please give me a timelineeee :love:


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This is a great question.... any expertise would much be appreciated:)
yes..applying for 2007 would be pointless. for 2008, you can sumbit all your stuff to AADSAS as soon as it opens up, they will then hold it until they decide to release it. But you can start filling AADSAS out, and submit it as soon as you'd like...if i remember correctly. It already seems so long ago:laugh:
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AADSAS starts taking money for 2008 in mid-May. Don't waste your time filling out the application currently available on the AADSAS webpage as it's for 2007. You should look around on the website and see what an application involves as the overall application changes very little from year to year. When they change to the 2008 cycle you start can your application.
Get everything (Personal statement, recos, etc) ready and in order by May 14th this year. The application for 2008 will most likely open on that day.
Good luck!
The sooner the better, June 1st is a good timeline for having everything complete. The sooner you interview the better chance you have of getting a spot no matter what the dental school says about not doing rolling admissions they have to do some form of it.
I read there is a matching form for transcript and LOR. Do they have to be filled by the school or writer? I mean do they require a signature or anything?

Also I registerd to aadsas for 2007 just to see what's there when I'm actually waiting for 2008. Do they delete the accounts afte the cycle is over? b/c I can't log in now.
I read there is a matching form for transcript and LOR. Do they have to be filled by the school or writer? I mean do they require a signature or anything?

Also I registerd to aadsas for 2007 just to see what's there when I'm actually waiting for 2008. Do they delete the accounts afte the cycle is over? b/c I can't log in now.

It cannot be carried over to 2008. I did the same thing I opened a 2007 account just to check it out.
It cannot be carried over to 2008. I did the same thing I opened a 2007 account just to check it out.

So I have to reopen my account for 2008 in mid-may when they actually open?
and what about the matching forms? can they be filled out by me?
seems like I'm asking too many questions but just one more
for the trascripts should I wait til my final grades for this spring semester are included or it's ok to have only upto last yr fall semster?