Where can I find up-to-date COA estimates for each dental school?

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Apr 18, 2018
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Does anybody know where I can find updated cost of attendance estimates for each school? I will be starting in the fall, and was curious to see.

Also, do people have any luck with scholarships? I would love to learn more about all of them, but I am not sure where to start. I have heard the NHSC scholarship is generous.

Can I search out private loans with better interest rates, or do those not really exist? I believe I would qualify for need based assistance, I am just not sure what is offered for us dental students.

Thank you! I hope everybody is doing well. Any help would be appreciated!

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You are starting dental school in the fall of 2022? your school's website should have this info
I am! So far the only estimates I can find are that of tuition and fees! I cannot find any information on that of COA! Thanks!
I am! So far the only estimates I can find are that of tuition and fees! I cannot find any information on that of COA! Thanks!
Anything outside of tuition and fees is pretty variable from student to student. Do they have a page about commonalities for their student body as far as where they tend to live? I know mine did. You can also search around campus to different apartments to get an idea for pricing and then food shouldn’t be much different than what you’ve done in the past . Most of that is really estimation on their part too and is almost always higher than what it’ll actually be. IMO anyways
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Anything outside of tuition and fees is pretty variable from student to student. Do they have a page about commonalities for their student body as far as where they tend to live? I know mine did. You can also search around campus to different apartments to get an idea for pricing and then food shouldn’t be much different than what you’ve done in the past . Most of that is really estimation on their part too and is almost always higher than what it’ll actually be. IMO anyways
Thanks for the reply! It seems I should just schedule a meeting with someone up there and just ask about some of these things! Do you know if the ASDA official guide would have this information?