Where does this goljan lecture go?

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Junior Member
15+ Year Member
Apr 18, 2006
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The Goljan lectures I got were numbered incorrectly and I'm having trouble placing this lecture with the others... the lecture that starts with

"OK hursitism is an excess of hair..."

It's at the end soemwhere.... between what lectures is this one?

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The Goljan lectures I got were numbered incorrectly and I'm having trouble placing this lecture with the others... the lecture that starts with

"OK hursitism is an excess of hair..."

It's at the end soemwhere.... between what lectures is this one?


that lecture is "Day5\1Gyn.mp3". It's the first lecture on Day5 right after "Day4\7renal2.mp3". The lecture after that one is "Day5\2gyn.mp3"
The Goljan lectures I got were numbered incorrectly and I'm having trouble placing this lecture with the others... the lecture that starts with

"OK hursitism is an excess of hair..."

It's at the end soemwhere.... between what lectures is this one?

Hey there, how useful do you find the goljan lectures to be? Is the whole set like a concise overview of all that is pathology?
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Hey there, how useful do you find the goljan lectures to be? Is the whole set like a concise overview of all that is pathology?

I find them incredibly useful. Not only is ita good way to undersatnd things that you may have neglected in medschool, but it's at least a nice change of pace from the drudgery of reading and memorizing lists, and I think it's really improved my QBank scores.

the last goljan lecture (Skin-CNS) cuts off in the middle. He starts talking about parkinsons and then it just ends in mid sentence. Is there another lecture after that one? Thanks.

the last goljan lecture (Skin-CNS) cuts off in the middle. He starts talking about parkinsons and then it just ends in mid sentence. Is there another lecture after that one? Thanks.

hmm, i have one after that called cns-speical senses. if u need, ill send
hmm, i have one after that called cns-speical senses. if u need, ill send

hey psychodan, my mistake. I have that lecture (that's the last one right?). Mine ends in mid sentence while he's talking about parkinsons (Does yours stop like that too?)
where can I get the goljan lectures? do you guys know? thanks!