Where should I go to complete my bachelor's? Help! Advice anyone?

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10+ Year Member
Aug 14, 2009
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Ok my fellow wannabe Au.D's I need some major advice here. I completed an A.A.S. degree in an allied health field through a community college and a state university in Ohio. I hate what I do. Hence, my interest in audiology. I need to finish my bachelor's degree before I enroll in an Au.D program and I need some help deciding where to go. My A.A.S. degree is pretty much useless when it comes to transferring credits. However, I have found a great program at West Chester University in Pennsylvania that will accept these credits through a special Health Sciences bachelor's degree completion program. I can complete my bachelor's degree in time to enroll (if accepted, of course) in an Au.D program Fall 2011. This excites me! However, I am worried that my application will be practically thrown away since I will have attended 3 colleges to earn my bachelor's degree and I didn't earn the degree from a well-known university. Am I being paranoid? Should I finish my bachelor's at this university in one year or should I shoot for the stars and complete my bachelor's at a more elite university in two years? Which is more worth it? I'm already 25 and feeling the burden of bad decisions. I really just want to finish the bachelor's and get it over with so I can start audiology. But I don't want to hurt my chances of getting accepted or feel regret about not going to a good school. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

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One of the girls in my program got her degree at West Chester. I'd call up the admissions department and see if you can talk to a counselor about it. They'd be the best person to talk to about it.
My only advise would be to complete your bachelor in a state with an AuD program that interests you. I went to an undergraduate program that did not have a graduate program in audiology, so I have to move out of state (again!).

Look into the surrounding undergraduate programs and find one that fits you. Hope this helps!
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The only AuD program in my home state was UW-Madison, and I wasn't interested in their program. Just wasn't for me... so off to the east coast I went :p
another thing to consider is the prerequisites required for the AuD program. Each school has slightly different requirements. make sure you go somewhere where you can complete all the prerequisites for the schools you're interested in. Otherwise you could spend 2 years at night school working on a post-bac like me! not fun. =)