Which medical schools like student athletes?

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D1 athlete will be looked upon favorably just about everywhere. You still have to be "good" stat- and EC-wise, but this should be a strong extracurricular that will help you stand out and likely come up in interviews. I am not a D1 athlete, but I talked about my previous involvement in athletics in my PS and how a resulting injury ignited my passion in medicine. I think I got a question about it at every single interview. A few adcoms here mention that some of the stronger PS they have read are from student athletes who talk about how their experience has lead them to medicine.

Good luck in the app cycle!
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I'm a D1 athlete at an academically rigorous school. I am planning on applying in the 2019 cycle. I was trying to find out how medical schools view student athletes, and I read that some schools like student athletes and others don't really care. Do any of you know of schools that like student athletes more than others?
Assuming stats (MCAT/GPA) are competitive, it is likely medical schools will view student-athletes in a positive manner.

I am familiar with D1 and D2 student-athletes who were accepted at multiple medical schools (including Top 20). Despite rigorous NCAA commitments (practice, workouts and competition), they excelled in their academics and scored well on the MCAT. Dedication, self-discipline and effective time management skills often bode well for the rigors associated with medical school. Do well in school and score well on MCAT, and you should be good-to-go.
Have the stats off the field that make you competitive? If so, great. If no, not so great.

FYI, I was a D1 athlete, too. Football. Linebacker. My body reminds me of it every day.

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Have the stats off the field that make you competitive? If so, great. If no, not so great.

FYI, I was a D1 athlete, too. Football. Linebacker. My body reminds me of it every day.

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I feel that. I'm hoping that the next time I'm in an OR I'm conscious and not wearing a gown... 🙄

D1 athletic participation definitely shaped my PS and answers in traditional interviews. It didn't really guide my school list, or many of my answers in MMIs. The one school I thought might send me some athlete love (Vandy) did not even send me a secondary.....:arghh: