Which resources to use for Step 2 CK?

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7+ Year Member
Feb 27, 2015
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I'm going to start studying soon but I haven't seen a concrete list of resources everyone uses to study for this exam. I'm a US student and will be taking the exam at the end of August. I'm taking electives till mid July and then have the rest of the time for devoted studying period. I have heard that the FA for this isn't good. So is Master the Boards and Uworld enough for CK or do you need more? I plan on going through them twice.

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I'm going to start studying soon but I haven't seen a concrete list of resources everyone uses to study for this exam. I'm a US student and will be taking the exam at the end of August. I'm taking electives till mid July and then have the rest of the time for devoted studying period. I have heard that the FA for this isn't good. So is Master the Boards and Uworld enough for CK or do you need more? I plan on going through them twice.

There isn't a concrete list. You have to read through and decide for yourself like everyone else:

