Medical Which state should I claim residency in?

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Feb 21, 2002
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I am having a really hard time trying to decide which state to claim instate residency.

I am from Michigan, and I went to a Michigan school for college, but now after I've finished school I've been living in New York for almost a year and I'm preparing to apply this cycle while still living in New York.

I meet residency requirements for both states, and still currently have a Michigan ID, and I'm preparing to apply to schools both in New York and in Michigan.

Does anyone have any advice on which state I should apply to as a resident? I know New York schools are more competitive so I thought maybe I would get an advantage in that way, but I worry then my safety schools in Michigan would become more difficult to get into.

Thank you for any advice.
Probably check with NY, but if you do not make it a point to domicile in a state, your old state is your state of residency. You have not live in NY for a year so I doubt you have established residency for tuition purposes.

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