Which would you pick?

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If you had to repeat one, which would you repeat?

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Cranjis McBasketball

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7+ Year Member
Jul 20, 2015
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If you had to repeat either ALL of 3rd year, or just January of your 2nd year til boards, which would you rather HAVE to repeat?

Current 2nd year who is slowly dying from having to balance mandatory activities, OPP, low yield information from professors for tests, keeping up with 1000+ zanki reviews a day, doing qbanks + reviewing those qbanks, and making time for family (I am a husband and father).

So I am curious as to which people would pick

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I don’t know. They both suck. 2nd year was hard just because Step 1 was the hardest exam I had ever taken in my life. 3rd year sucked because I felt like it was glorified shadowing on some rotations and then expected to come home and study after spending all day at the hospital. Also, malignant attendings and residents are never fun to be with. Medical school just sucks until you hit the last semester.

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January til boards. And it’s not even close.

I’m in the minority but I loved dedicated. And the way my school was setup if you crushed the first block of material, you could blow off the rest of the semester comparatively and focus on boards. The stress of step looming over you sucks, But I’d happily take that over third year nonsense of your grade being determined by how hard you kiss the attendings ring.
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2nd year boards, i miss my anki homies. Watching people write notes 90% of the day, not being able to make my own schedule, and being on rotations as the only med student are all things I like much less than doing anki or UW

The only upside of 3rd year is when I get to be in the OR
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3rd year by a long shot. I went to a mandatory attendance school. It was awful.
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3rd year is the worst. Long hours in specialties you DGAF about. You're always in the way. You don't know anything. Shelf/COMATs are annoying AF. Give me that dedicated where I set my own hours and don't have to deal with annoying patients or residents.
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Just came back to re-post that pre-clinical board prep is still better than third year after a 10+hr shift of doing absolutely nothing but trying to feign interest in stuff my attendings know I don’t care about. Anyway, now it’s time to study for the frickin’ shelf some more fml.
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3rd year, easy.

Maybe this is just due to my school in particular, but my happiness was markedly better throughout 3rd year than any time and especially latter half of 2nd year. Weekly and sometimes twice weekly school exams went all the way until the beginning of May, so I was constantly stressed about those tests while trying balance that and slog through UW and review other material. I never felt like I was getting the balance right.

I was even at a notoriously hours-intensive rotation site for 3rd year (10-12 hours/day was the norm) and I would repeat that year in a heartbeat. Yeah, it sucks being in the way all the time and starting on a new service every 4 weeks, but getting to shoot the bull with cool residents, talk to patients, and try your hand at developing a coherent A/P on a real patient just felt so much more invigorating. I liked my Peds, FM, IM, Neuro, and Psych (all of which were inpatient) months a lot. ED, OB, Surg, and OMM (blah) felt more like I was just putting in my time, but it wasn't the end of the world.
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Repeat 3rd year in my opinion. Looking back, I didn't really mind dedicated as much as I did in the moment. But remembering the stress I felt, it was horrible for me. Third year is a lot of stupid shadowing and stupid education days, but the schedule is much more relaxed, and also... it's flown by so far. So if any time period has to repeat, I would choose the one that went by faster. And that's third year.
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Third year for me. Just focus on learning and not care about kissing that attending ring.

Studying for the comat was cake.
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I would gladly grind Anki and dunk on those UW questions over and over... Coming from someone excelling 3rd year. 3rd year is just putting in time on dumb **** that makes me feel like a sociopath/slimy person and really should be half days with didactic/self study time most rotations besides surgery and OB.

Edit: I say this as someone who firmly believes in this process and the importance of third year and general physician education versus becoming a glorified NP. I think if I didn't care about grades during third year it would be just as easy as year 1 and 2.
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Currently still a 2nd year so I can't cast my vote, but despite its busyness I love the flexibility of making my own schedule every day. Walking into an empty Costco or gym at 10:30 in the morning is just therapeutic.
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I'd redo dedicated. I don't have mandatory lectures though, huge difference. Dedicated really wasn't that bad. Still had plenty of time to eat right, exercise 3x a week, and just felt great seeing those Uworld averages rise and my hard work pay off.

3rd year is hell though. Worst time of my life to date. Brace yourself.
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Repeat dedicated. Being evaluated subjectively everyday and then coming home too tired to get any studying done for the shelf your school made too hard to honor gets tiring. 3rd year is EXHAUSTING. Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
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All of 3rd year easily. I got to live with back home with family. I was able to make time for games and shows. Studying for step 2 was much easier than studying for step 1. Plus I enjoyed the residents and attendings I learned under. A lot of them were chill.
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If you had to repeat either ALL of 3rd year, or just January of your 2nd year til boards, which would you rather HAVE to repeat?

Current 2nd year who is slowly dying from having to balance mandatory activities, OPP, low yield information from professors for tests, keeping up with 1000+ zanki reviews a day, doing qbanks + reviewing those qbanks, and making time for family (I am a husband and father).

So I am curious as to which people would pick

I'd rather repeat all of second year (including retaking boards) than a third of third year. Honestly so ready to be over with this.
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Second year for sure. It's busy but you have a routine and your effort matters. Third year feels like a head less chicken run and you will get generic feedback with 3/5 no matter how hard you try lol

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If you had to repeat either ALL of 3rd year, or just January of your 2nd year til boards, which would you rather HAVE to repeat?

Current 2nd year who is slowly dying from having to balance mandatory activities, OPP, low yield information from professors for tests, keeping up with 1000+ zanki reviews a day, doing qbanks + reviewing those qbanks, and making time for family (I am a husband and father).

So I am curious as to which people would pick

Third year most definitely.

A good chunk of step 1 stuff is useless clinically and I have enjoyed studying more clinically relevant/useful information over step 1 stuff. Some rotations suck but imo dedicated sucked more.

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All of 3rd year easily. I got to live with back home with family. I was able to make time for games and shows. Studying for step 2 was much easier than studying for step 1. Plus I enjoyed the residents and attendings I learned under. A lot of them were chill.
Shadow this thread is freaking me out. How could anything get worse than second year at Rowan lmao its absolutely horrible. They do everything in their power to keep you preoccupied with dumb school crap to stress you out even more. I have strong distaste for this school and im not the only one (my entire class feels the same) and was looking forward to 3rd year a little. Did you rotate up north? Im guessing you got a good hub site
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Definitely 3rd year. You’re learning so much and you’re actually working. Not trapped alone in a pit of endless misery. In fact, right now being pulled off rotations 8 days ago is reminding me of the hell of dedicated. I’m once again trapped at home all day by myself studying at a chair, hurting my neck, disoriented to time... i would give anything to be back on rotations right now.
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