Who else is fasting and studying for MCAT?

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Feb 9, 2016
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I am just wondering who else is fasting (no food/drink) and studying for MCAT? When do you take FL? and how is your study schedule like? I tried to take a FL while I was fasting and my brain went on fire. Any suggestion would be appreciate it.


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its the holy month of Ramadan for Muslims. we fast from 3:45 am to 8:30pm. we are not allowed to drink or eat anything.
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Sorry, was unaware it was part of your religion. I thought you were just doing it to simulate testing.

Realistically, your brain needs food to perform at it's highest level. I personally cannot imagine not having a lunch to refuel a little bit after the first 2 sections. It requires a lot of energy to focus for the MCAT.
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:clap: I get you. It's really tough to do anything while you're fasting, let alone study for something as mind draining as the MCAT.

I've been following this schedule that's worked out very well for me so far this Ramadan. I find it's often easier to just study during the night and push sleep off till the day. I don't know if you have that luxury (work, etc.) but that would be my recommendation. However for us Fajr is a lot later (almost 5am) so I can get almost 5 hours of studying after Taraweeh. I'm still doing content review and haven't moved on to FLs yet.

Another recommendation would be to study immediately after Suhoor, so around 3 ish for you. If you have a decent meal with good amount of Carbs ( I would recommend brown rice and fruits!) you should be able to study for a while before feeling the effects.

Hoped that helped. Best wishes!
I am just wondering who else is fasting (no food/drink) and studying for MCAT? When do you take FL? and how is your study schedule like? I tried to take a FL while I was fasting and my brain went on fire. Any suggestion would be appreciate it.

If this guy can contest world events and run 20 miles a day. You can sit in a chair and study for the MCATs. What did you do in college? Look at all the anorexic females with 4.0s at the Ivy League schools while simultaneously competing at the D1 level and crushing this test. I'm not kidding you! They fast all yr!

I am! I noticed that in the morning I am not too hungry, so I wake up early, get as much studying in as possible, then sleep late afternoon until Iftar. I usually can get a little studying in after Iftar too.

I have tried doing what @dark_knight suggested, but I am really not the type to be able to study at night. I would much rather study right in the morning. I have taken a few full lengths while fasting. They were difficult, but doable. Like I said, I did them early in the morning before I got too hungry/ran out of energy. Best of luck.
The first FL I took while fasting was the AAMC sample test. It was rough for me mostly because of the mental exhaustion/lack of caffeine. I remember during the B/B section I could barely keep my head straight and just wanted to close the exam. (I ended up getting 80% overall.) But I've since taken two more FLs while fasting and I've gotten used to it. After each 10 minute break I go to the bathroom and splash water on my face. Then during the 30 minute break, I usually just walk around for a bit to try and get the blood flowing.

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The first FL I took while fasting was the AAMC sample test. It was rough for me mostly because of the mental exhaustion/lack of caffeine. I remember during the B/B section I could barely keep my head straight and just wanted to close the exam. (I ended up getting 80% overall.) But I've since taken two more FLs while fasting and I've gotten used to it. After each 10 minute break I go to the bathroom and splash water on my face. Then during the 30 minute break, I usually just walk around for a bit to try and get the blood flowing.

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Ramadaan Kareem! When do you take full length practice tests? I find it so hard to do them during the day while fasting and have had to stop twice because I couldn't concentrate.

Also, do you guys going to taraweh prayer? I've been attending all 20 Rakats and they end at like 12 am and then I get up for suhoor then sleep after fajr till noon then study till iftar. I find I can study but I absolutely cannot take a full length practice test during this time bc im so tired.

Please help! Lol
Thank you everyone. I also have a part time job (3days/week). Its really hard to take a FL while fasting. I tried it today and I couldnt finish it because my brain was on fire. I was thinking maybe to take a FL starting at 12am. I only go to taraweeh when I am off and dont have to go to work at 8am. Lol
I will be taking my MCAT July 22nd. Honestly I am not stressing about applying this year as long as I get a good mcat score. I took 4NS FL before Ramadan.