Why do ATCs get paid so high?

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2+ Year Member
Aug 13, 2021
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Sorry if this is off topic. I was a Biology major in college and was thinking about going into the one of the doctorate programs such as dentistry, pharmacy, podiatry, etc. It would involve going through another 4 years of really difficult schooling as well as thousands of dollars of debt (as well as the fact that you're not guaranteed to graduate and will still be responsible for that debt if you drop out) just to have a job that makes 6 figures. Also, getting into these schools is highly competitive. However, I see that for the air traffic controller job, the government will pay you to train at their facility for a few months, and if you pass their academy, they place you somewhere in the country, and every couple of months your pay increases to the point where you can also make 6 figures. I get that the selection process is also somewhat competitive but it doesn't seem as competitive as the other professions I previously mentioned, plus there isn't the massive debt as well as the pressure to not drop out. The government pays you while you're being trained, whereas if you do dentistry/pharmacy/podiatry/etc., you aren't being paid for that training, and instead, you are paying massively for it while taking 4 years to do it. Am I missing something here? Why do ATCs get paid so high?

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