I think the “enlightened centrism” viewpoint ignores the fact that the magnitude of bias in mainstream right vs left media is disproportionately distributed. To accept both sides as having an equally flawed view of the truth is to concede your point of view to the side which is most flagrant about their lack of interest in objective facts.
I see two flaws in this thinking.
First - they are not equally flawed at the same time. Most of the news bias comes from ignoring stories. You rarely see stories about one Presidents artwork on CNN, and you rarely see stories about another Presidents kids business dealings on FOX. If you watch both, you will be aware of the shenanigans on both sides.
Second - one doesn't have to assign equal status to the media bias. CNN, for example, has a reporter who (In my opinion) did a GREAT job reporting the current administration's debacle in Afghanistan. Likewise, FOX had several reports in the past few years who critically assessed Trump.
So while individual news sources have well-deserved reputations for biases one way or another, it is the critical assessment of each individual news story, and comparing multiple sources offering news about the same situation, that makes one the best informed.
Edited- And I dont think you need to be a "centrist" to get, and critically assess, news from both ends of the spectrum. You can be a leftist and watch fox because you want to keep an eye on things that CNN historically doesn't cover, or a conservative who watches CNN for the same reason.
Coming back to the OP, and your comment about "cops breaking into her home to stop her from reporting the story of fudging of numbers"....its all hogwash.
It wouldn't surprise me (although I would be disappointed) if DeSantis was looking for/found a way to actually fudge the numbers. He is a politician, and politicians do political things (like Cuomo in NY). But so far I see no reliable sources saying they have.
It will be interesting if the trend of rapidly improving death rate continues. We should all hope it does.