Will me choosing to go to med school help the physician shortage?

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Dec 28, 2022
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I've been considering a (admittedly, somewhat crazy) career change from law to medicine (I'm 28 yo, no debt, did all pre-med coursework in college). I only realized now that my personality fits better with medicine. On top of that, I've been hearing and reading about the looming physician shortage in the US and that makes me want to the "heed the call" and go for it. But if the number of med school graduates outnumbers the number of residency spots, will I really be making much of a difference in the shortage?
I know docs are most needed in rural areas, but I don't think I could see myself living in a rural area long term.

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I've been considering a (admittedly, somewhat crazy) career change from law to medicine (I'm 28 yo, no debt, did all pre-med coursework in college). I only realized now that my personality fits better with medicine. On top of that, I've been hearing and reading about the looming physician shortage in the US and that makes me want to the "heed the call" and go for it. But if the number of med school graduates outnumbers the number of residency spots, will I really be making much of a difference in the shortage?
I know docs are most needed in rural areas, but I don't think I could see myself living in a rural area long term.
Any individual can make a difference in the lives of those they touch, but the number of physicians is not determined by the number of applicants or even the number of medical students. The rate limiting step is accredited residency positions.
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