Will this hurt my chances?

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Jun 27, 2013
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I'm a pre-dental student at UT and I decided to take O chem at UTD over the summer as a transient student. But because of transportation issues, I had to drop it and decided to just take it at UT during the fall after all.

The problem is, now the class shows up as a "W" (for withdrawal) on my UTD transcript.

Even though I don't go to UTD, I still have to send in the transcript with the "W" when using the TMDSAS.

My question is: will this W hurt my chances at Dental school?

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I'm a pre-dental student at UT and I decided to take O chem at UTD over the summer as a transient student. But because of transportation issues, I had to drop it and decided to just take it at UT during the fall after all.

The problem is, now the class shows up as a "W" (for withdrawal) on my UTD transcript.

Even though I don't go to UTD, I still have to send in the transcript with the "W" when using the TMDSAS.

My question is: will this W hurt my chances at Dental school?

Nah. Just don't start collecting them. :)